Digital journalism and string theory

Digital journalism and string theory
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In the move from the technological revolution, the field of journalism is one of the most affected because today everybody has the power to communicate, and their most precious good, the information, seems a commodity because of its abundance.

Moreover, with the advent of new digital technologies all levels of knowledge have been transferred, for this reason we can see more and more regularly how different disciplines complement in their research, leading often to a confusing and chaotic theoretical deployment among the different factors which have a goal but many paths to reach it.

Indeed, we see now that journalism is no longer linear because the paradigm transmitter receiver is in sharp decline which is causing a review on the business models of traditional media where the bidirectional and multimedia character causes that news consumer becomes a prosumer active having more power in the news agenda, since it is not a passive being, but now he thinks and demands quality and informative clarity, or he does not create his own network on Facebook or Twitter demanding to put his information demands in the symbolic world, creating a rather vibrational state who shakes in real time the information needs of a large group instantly rather than typically linear where the receptor is the one who has the power.

This new "information awareness" has similarities with a physical theory emerged in the 70s, we refer to the "string theory," which was created in response to the linear and one-dimensional character of particles where an electron is not merely a point but are tiny strings which vibrate in four dimensions and depending on where it move it can be identified as an electron, a photon or a quark.

That is, according to string theory we are facing a vibrational state caused by the action of strings which can also be applied to digital journalism, in terms of message effect on the public, since issuing information or news in real time today, it reaches a receptor located in Hong Kong and another one in Africa and so on, here the distance factor disappears and thus the geographical factor.

So, information emission today shatters the linear world of traditional media, where if we make an analogy among physics theoreticians who applied the strings theory , who dwelt upon on a vibrational state generated by the strings recreating a state of four dimensions, which contrasts with the "normal" physics where traditionally particles are now just a point and cannot move in a three dimensional space, we get the same analogy in digital journalism, where we are dealing with more dimensions than normal journalism or analog, as it changes the emitter which is not necessarily a journalist and then born journalist who can be anyone with a Smartphone recording a news event; the receiver takes an active dimension to the news or informational message; borders are not an impediment to create opinion; and a "fourth" dimension would be in the infinite nature of information, where a click we can compare our sources or where in just a click we can read the Bible in Aramaic, that is, we are facing an information world of many dimensions and if at the time the string theory subsequently led to the creation of superstring theory, or theory of everything Could we conclude that we are in a quaternary phase of information and that traditional journalism and new citizen journalism will succumb to new challenges of the future?... perhaps what we call journalism 2.0 is like talking about papyrus in 50 years more due to the rapid evolution of technology, which already hit the "material" aspect and today disrupts our daily lives.

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