What the Nanny Saw: D.C.'s Fanciest Cribs, And the Babies Inside

What the Nanny Saw: D.C.'s Fanciest Cribs, And the Babies Inside

In Barbara Kline's new nonfiction book, "White House Nannies," her account of finding nannies for Washington's rich and pretentious, the parents are as deliciously horrible as you would want them to be.

They call her Bethesda agency and start off by describing how important and busy they are. "By the way, Barbara, I run an empire," says one. Or they have their chief of staff call: "I represent a very prominent family." Eventually, after listing all their titles and every advanced degree, they toss in a phrase or two describing their children: "eight-year-old brilliant twins, a four-year-old gymnast, and a brand-new baby girl who can already sing on key."

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