How To Love A Nut Job
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Do you have a person in your life that is (as my mother would graciously call them), "An Irritant?"

I do.

Friends and neighbors have given her names like Whack Job, which just goes to show you how kind Mom is. I could run down the laundry list of interesting ways she showers me with attention, but let's cut to the officer of the court has advised me to get a restraining order.

So what do you do?

This wonderful video has given me an inner road map of how to proceed. I hope that it helps you with that person or institution that is a big old mega challenge.

Here are some of my intentions. Wish me luck. Please join me if you have a challenging person in your orbit.

Drop the Hot Coal
"Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - The Buddha

This is an easier quote to read than to do. I am working on doing it anyway. Wish me luck!
Fab 15: Who is the person that is bugging you? Take 15 minutes to send them the love and compassion that you would want for yourself.

What You Focus On Grows.
Every single minute you and I have a choice. You can only focus on one thing at a time. What will your response be? I am challenging myself to make choices that are less about wounding or more about wonderful. Gratitude has always been a lifesaver for me. Have you tried it lately?
Fab 15: Take 15 minutes a focus all your attention of what you are grateful for.

Mirror, Mirror
I see this rage being vented at me as a reflection of the yet unhealed anger I have within myself. Even though I am uncomfortable admitting it, I wouldn't have attracted this sort of experience unless it reflected something inside of me. I can use this situation for learning and healing. I can choose to embrace all of me and forgive my Inner Bully.
Fab 15: Take 15 minutes and forgive yourself. Embrace all of your humanity. Embrace that other person with loving and compassion.

Service Is As Simple As A Hug
What would our world be like if we could live like that animated character? What kind of changes could be ignite? I can't say that I will honestly walk up to this woman and give her a hug...except in my heart.
Fab 15: Take 15 seconds and hug a person you are having a challenge with in your mind. Take 5 minutes and hug 5 people. (You'll be amazed at how long a minute is... and how much better you'll feel.)

Are you ready to get out of the way and let your dreams have a say? Ask Eli a question at or go to today.


Eli Davidson is a nationally recognized executive coach and motivational speaker. Her book, "Funky to Fabulous: Surefire Success Stories for the Savvy, Sassy and Swamped", (Oak Grove Publishing) has won three national book awards. Eli is a reinvention catalyst, who can transform your professional and personal life from Funky to Fabulous with her ten, trademarked Turnaround Techniques that create rapid and remarkable results.

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