Kansas, Iran: Help Harvest A Better World

Kansas, Iran: Help Harvest A Better World
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Minus the machinery, life on the Bucyrus Kansas farm I grew up on was much like life has been around the globe for thousands of years. Transfixed by the events in Iran, it is clear that each of us is a global citizen. At our core of us is a farmer. Each of us is responsible to cultivate the world we live in.

What are you planting, nurturing and harvesting?

Summer Is Harvest Time
With every bite you take from an cucumber (or from any food for that matter) you have participated in a miracle that depends on the delicate balance of the elements. An unexpected heavy rain, and early frost, and infestation of insects can damage or destroy a crop. A farmer's living depends on the whims of the weather. This makes them humble, wise and altruistic. Each one of these qualities is our authentic nature.

As a farmer you know that your survival depends on working together with your neighbors to bring in the bounty of your harvest.

Farmers know that you can't go it alone.

Neither can you or I.

On our farm, the yield of an entire year's work depended on the help of our neighbors. Harvest was a very short window. You could see this every summer when it was time to bale the hay. (Translation: A bale of hay is a 75 pound rectangular 'brick' of dried grasses like alfalfa.) Families from near and far came to help you load all your hay bales into the barn. This was vitally important. If it rained on the hay, it would mold and be ruined. Farm families pitched in to help one another. If one family's hay was ruined while they were helping the others, neighbors pitched to help them through the winter. No big programs. Just neighbors helping neighbors.

The "Give To Live" Gene
Growing up on the land, I got to experience how deeply interconnected we are. Being of service to one another is actually at the core of every human being. Now, science is confirming that we as a species are genetically engineered to be altruistic. Scientist have dug up what they term the "Altruism Gene." The findings report that Volvox carterii, gene may have evolved to suppress certain biological activities in lean times. The report from www.worldscience.net reports: "Several competing theories attempt to solve the puzzle. One is that groups with cooperative members out compete groups with selfish one, and thus spread their niceness."

Kansas, Iran
We are seeing this gene in action. We are seeing the power of this play out on the streets of Iran. The underlying fabric of Kansas and Iran have a great in common. Across the planet we are seeing citizens across the planet do what they can to help Iranians harvest their votes and their human rights. The outpouring of support of the citizens of Iran is monumental. The swath of green is a wonderful signpost for our plant. Just a few examples are : helpiranelection.com, "# iranelection proxy" This is a public resource on how to create proxy sites. This is helping Iranian dissidents. It also gives tips on preventing Green citizens tweets. from being infiltrated and jammed by government officials. The Chinese are helping evade the government crackdown on the Internet: Facebook members are working together to translate and upload video. The list could go on for days and seems to be growing by them moment.

From ME to WE

Events in Iran are another indicator that the paradigm on the planet has shifted- from Me to WE. "Yes WE Did!" elect Barak Obama. The Green Revolution shows us what we can harvest when we come together to assist one another. Since being of service is part of your genetic code, it is natural that it each of us express the innate need to give. In an earlier post I discussed research that shows how helping others leads to enhanced health and emotional well being.

This Summer, Bring the Harvest Home
Many reports state that most Iranian citizens couldn't have even imagined the events ten days ago. The tiny spouts of Green that dared to oppose a repressive regime now blanket the world. This is a movement of the people conducted without much formal structure. What if we harnessed that same power? Imagine if we came together for the common good here at home.

Even though it is July, many Americans are in the midst of a bleak winter. President Obama has called upon all of us, "and I do mean ALL of us." to get involved. The White House, The Huffington Post, Goggle and Craigslist have come together to use the power of social networking to make giving back to our neighbors easy and effective.

As you see the photos from Iran you see that this Green Revolution has engaged people from all walks of life. Garbage collectors, college professors, conservative women and now even the police are working together to take back their rights.

What are you doing to help your neighbors?

The Summer of Service is inviting you and I to do just that. Now, it is easier than ever to get involved. There are so many in such great need. The simple action of holding a baby, combing an elder's hair, or teaching a child to read has the power to transform a life. As events have unfolded in Tehran I have been awed by the creativity and unity of the global community. My prayer is that we continue to nurture that need to serve, and bring that goodness to our neighbors.

I look forward to hearing what you are doing to harvest a better world.

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Eli Davidson is a nationally recognized executive coach and motivational speaker. Her book, "Funky to Fabulous: Surefire Success Stories for the Savvy, Sassy and Swamped", (Oak Grove Publishing) has won three national book awards. Eli is a reinvention catalyst, who can transform your professional and personal life from Funky to Fabulous with her ten, trademarked Turnaround Techniques that create rapid and remarkable results. Check out her blog at http://funkytofabulous.blogspot.com/

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