Opening the World to Change One Heart at a Time

As I entered the workshop not knowing what was going to happen I felt insecure and like I didn't really have a story that could touch others let alone help them. I watched individuals and myself open up and begin to share from their hearts their unique stories of self.
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Over this past weekend I had the pleasure of participating in a workshop put on by a nonprofit organization called Ignite Good. This workshop is dedicated to teaching the millennial generation how to reach out to the community through story telling. In the workshop each individual is supported in finding their personal and unique story by trained coaches then taught how to form their story into something that everyone can relate to. I have taken a quite few self help and organized workshops dedicated to the upliftment of self however, none quite like this.

In a short weekend this workshop taught millennial generation service leaders how to not only open to their own vulnerability but to share it in a way that would help others open up to theirs. As I entered the workshop not knowing what was going to happen I felt insecure and like I didn't really have a story that could touch others let alone help them. I watched individuals and myself open up and begin to share from their hearts their unique stories of self and what they had each been through in their lives. Each day we chipped away into a deeper and more vulnerable place within ourselves and began to see the alikeness we all shared.

I thought to myself, "What does tapping into my vulnerability have to do anything with the state of the world?" What I realized was that it's exactly what the world needs. If everybody could understand how to tap in to their hearts in this way we could all be collaborating on how to make this planet a better place. I found that when we broke down the barriers of what we looked like and where we came from we were all alike in many ways. Whether it was saving the environment to helping feed homeless, finding a way to improve the foster care system or supporting the arts, It starts at the heart of each person. To have a workshop that teaches us how to do that and then share in way everyone understands and can relate is a gift. In a world where I know I often feel mis-understood I'm starting to see that my voice matters. Thank you Ignite Good for helping me find my voice even if it's just the start of something.

In support of this beautiful cause, there is an event happening this Wednesday in LA where a few people who have taken the workshop will be sharing their unique and heartfelt stories of inspiration!

And if you are in Philly, the same training is taking place this upcoming weekend and I encourage you to apply quickly since seats are filling up.

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