Are You Bragging Enough?

Whether it is a publication, award, upcoming event, new blog post, go ahead and get the word out. And it is not just for bragging rights either.
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By: Jennifer Robinson

A few nights ago, I co-taught a seminar and one of the attendees told us she was published in a prominent publication in her field. When we asked about where she had spread the word, the answer was nowhere. We, of course, encouraged her and many in the room also gave her suggestions to promote her accomplishment. It is so important to promote these days. Whether it is a publication, award, upcoming event, new blog post, go ahead and get the word out.

And it is not just for bragging rights either.

Here are 4 other important reasons to get the word out:

1. Visibility: You need to stay in the forefront. Everyone is busy. We've all heard the expression, "Out of sight, out of mind." This applies on social media as well.

2. Showing Expertise/Adding Value: Post great content. I can't tell you how many opportunities have come my way just by sharing things I've written, like articles and blog posts. It goes a long way in gaining trust, credibility and for people to see you as a "thought leader." Even posting great content consistently that is not your own is helpful. Post articles relevant to your industry or even just post about cool, fun stuff you think people might want to know about-whether it is related to your business or not.

3. Branding: For those who know me or even just follow me regularly on social media, if you asked them (besides my networking business) what comes to mind when they think of me I can guarantee they would say rescue dogs, Lilly Pulitzer and giving back. Of course you want to put things out in the universe that will allow people to better understand your business and gain clients/customers. But you also want people to learn about what is important to you as a person. What are you interested in? And be authentic about it.

4. Networking: I know, I'm biased here. But to me this is the most important result of promoting on social media. I meet many people at events or they reach out to me to get together, find out more about my services, or sign up for one of my events because of my posts. They go out of their way to introduce themselves. Not gonna lie, that feels amazing to hear when I'm approached. But more importantly, it helps me build my network even more and meet new people all the time.

There are still those out there that subscribe to the viewpoint that they do good work and eventually it will get recognized. Maybe it will. But probably not. You need to be your own cheerleader. Or if you are in a position to do so there are great PR people you can hire to do it for you.

One extra tip: It does not hurt to ask people in your inner circle to get the word out for you as well by sharing an accomplishment of yours with their own networks. Just don't abuse this and ask people to promote you all the time. Be selective when you reach out.

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