US: Obama, Iraq (CNN 9/1-2)

US: Obama, Iraq (CNN 9/1-2)
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CNN / Opinion Research Corporation
9/1-2/10; 1,024 adults, 3% margin of error
Mode: Live telephone interviews
(CNN release)


Obama Job Approval
50% Approve, 49% Disapprove (chart)
Dems: 84 / 14 (chart)
Reps: 10 / 89 (chart)
Inds: 45 / 54 (chart)
Economy: 40 / 59 (chart)
Iraq: 57 / 41
Afghanistan: 48 / 47
Terrorism: 50 / 47

Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war in Iraq?
34% Favor, 65% Oppose

All in all, do you think the situation in Iraq was worth going to war over, or not?
37% Worth it, 62% Not worth it

As you know, all U.S. combat troops have been removed from Iraq but 50,000 troops will remain in
a non-combat role until next year. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view:

28% This was the right time for the U.S. to remove its combat troops
40% The U.S. should have removed combat troops before now
25% The U.S. should remove combat troops at a future date, but keep them in Iraq now
6% The U.S. should keep combat troops in Iraq permanently

Based on what you have heard or read about the events in Iraq over the past few weeks, do you
think that for all intents and purposes, the war in Iraq is over, or not? Would you describe the war in Iraq as a victory for the U.S., a defeat for the U.S., or
something in between?

4% Over, victory
1% Over, defeat
15% Over, in between
80% Not over

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