US: Oil Spill (ABC/Post 6/3-6)

US: Oil Spill (ABC/Post 6/3-6)
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ABC News / Washington POst
6/3-6/10; 1,004 adults, 3.5% margin of error
Mode: Live telephone interviews
(ABC: story, results; Post: blog post)


How would you rate ____'s overall response to the oil spill in the
Gulf of Mexico?

The federal government: 2% Excellent, 26% Good, 37% Not so good, 32% Poor
The oil company BP: 1% Excellent, 15% Good, 27% Not so good, 54% Poor

Do you think the federal government should or should not pursue criminal charges against BP and other companies involved in the oil spill?
64% Should, 28% Should not

From what you've seen and heard, do you think that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is:
73% A major environmental disaster
25% A serious environmental problem but not a disaster
2% Not too serious an environmental problem

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