Help Hurricane Sandy With a KISS

Hurricane Sandy showed us that life can sometimes be out of our control, but there are certain humanities uniting us all. Coming together to help in the relief efforts shows that there is a rainbow and a beauty even in the most challenging circumstances.
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Help Hurricane Sandy with a KISS

Hurricane Sandy showed us that life can sometimes be out of our control, but there are certain humanities uniting us all. Coming together to help in the relief efforts shows that there is a rainbow and a beauty even in the most challenging circumstances. Overcome the notion that you have to do big things in order to be extraordinary.

A small gesture of support in trying times can often mean the most. It's when you get older in life that you realize little things were actually big things. A message, a friend's invitation to stay over, provide a place to shower or a home-cooked meal can show the people you care about that you will always be there for them. Small actions can often have a huge impact. Remember when a stranger did something very nice for you? Yeah, you never quite forget that.

One way to begin to help is to implement the old KISS philosophy of Keep It Simple, Sweetie.

Giving, no matter how small or big can create an amazing ripple effect in your life. Bill Clinton said in his book, Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World that,

"Everyone- regardless of income, available time, age and skills- can do something useful for others and, in the process, strengthen the fabric of our shared humanity."

Here is a way to send love to people affected by Hurricane Sandy:


K- Kindness. Small acts of kindness can dramatically change lives. Practice this virtue and apply it each day going forward. It is now needed more than ever. A small courtesy and watching the effect can create great outcomes. Hold the door for someone, buy a stranger a coffee or thank them for something most people wouldn't notice. You never know the day that you'll be on the receiving end. Smile at a stranger; give one and you just may get one. Kindness is contagious.

I- Invest in friends and family. It's the thought that counts. Dinner, Hurricane Sandy survivor drinks, calls or a warm place to sleep or to simply ask how they are doing- the little things add up. Care packages are also generous gifts to get them through the storm. A letter also gets the point across that you are thinking of them. Write a note instead of an e-mail. There is no better way to practice an elegant act as a handwritten note; they are beautiful in nature as they are personal.

S- Send a text donation. American Red Cross is helping with disaster relief. You can donate $10 to make a contribution and a difference by texting the word "RED CROSS" to 90999 or you can call 800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

S- Support a cause. Donate clothes and blankets to the Salvation Army. Visit or text the word STORM to 80888 to make a $10 donation, confirming the donation with the word, "Yes." The Salvation Army is providing food and shelter to storm victims.

As Mother Teresa said you can truly make a difference if you "Do small things with great love." All of our lives are filled with many opportunities to do small things and make a difference. You never know how far a little kindness can go. Carrying out random acts of kindness with no expectations of a reward is the most special kind of gift. One day someone may do the same for you.

Just remember when you want to give back and you don't know where to start or you want to do something but don't know what, think of a KISS:

Keep It Simple, Sweetie.

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