
The "Thor" actor has starred in eight Marvel films since 2011 and is still miffed that his heroes, including Francis Ford Coppola, have openly dismissed the genre.
The price tag makes the book the most expensive comic to ever sell at auction.
"The Book of Elsewhere" takes place in the same world as Reeves' BRZRKR comics, telling the story of an immortal warrior through the ages.
“I don’t really feel, with the recent films, that they have stood by what I assumed were their original principles,” "Watchmen" author Alan Moore said.
Cartoonist Adrienne Hedger regularly illustrates the most mundane yet hilarious home experiences.
Many creators won’t be there due to the ongoing actors and writers strikes, but fans are still showing up with style.
The illustrator, famous for inventing Mad's beloved “Fold-In” feature, was a legend in the publishing world.
Artist Azalia Suhaimi, a mom of two, is making parents feel less alone, one Instagram post at a time.
After losing his parents to COVID-19, the California Democrat has little patience for those who downplay it.
"Weird Mom Art," from illustrator Rachel Deutsch, is full of humor and heart.