
Robert Jeffress has also made inflammatory comments about Muslims, Mormons and Hindus.
President Donald Trump doesn’t know how to follow the holiday rules of regifting.
Police confirmed an ongoing investigation into the matter on Sunday, the eighth night of Hanukkah.
By shopping at queer-owned businesses, you can both support the LGBTQ community and cross gifts off your holiday list.
Born and raised in a Hasidic home in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, MaNishtana speaks out against the racism and bigotry he experiences within his own Orthodox community.
The elderly survivors gathered in Berlin, Moscow, Jerusalem, and South Orange, New Jersey, to mark the third night of Hanukkah.
The "thank u, next" singer had a sweet reply to Obama's tweet celebrating Hanukkah.
Every year, Jews gather around the menorah and celebrate eight days of Hanukkah.
Every year, Jews gather around the menorah and celebrate eight days of Hanukkah.
Learn how to make this fluffy doughnut filled with bright fruit jelly and showered in powdered sugar.