Jennifer Lawrence

'Yeah, because once you get to a certain place [in your career], people will hire you. They just want you to be in the movie, so they don't care.'
We're still four months away from the release, but the film's marketers want fans in a rabid state of anticipation.
Jennifer Lawrence was spotted in a screaming match with director David O. Russell in Boston this week on the set of their latest movie, ‘Joy’.
Ricky is joined by our HuffPost Community to discuss how Jennifer Lawrence's nude photo scandal isn't a leak, its "cyber rape."
After nude photos of celebrities like Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence were hacked and posted online, many people also pointed blame at the women who were violated. We talk sexism, privacy and the larger problems that have surfaced with the leak.
The FBI is now investigating those leaked celebrity photos. Someone apparently hacked into the online accounts of at least 5 female celebrities and shared hundreds of nude photos.