
“There never has been, and never will be, any justification for treating Jeopardy! as the Olympics of quizzing," the three-time winner wrote.
After a 40-game winning streak earlier this year, Schneider has triumphed once again.
"The lives of children are on the line with the fate of this bill," said Schneider, who opened up about her personal struggle before starting hormonal therapy.
The game show's mention of the case in a clue had pretty much nothing to do with the correct response.
The game show host uttered the swear word in a game between former champions.
The comedian responded to being dubbed the most annoying contestant ever with a sarcastic "sorry" and a dig at GOP Senate candidate Mehmet Oz.
"It must have been a super hard time for her, and she was thinking about the poor schmuck trying to do her late husband’s old job," Jennings said.
During an “Inside Jeopardy!” podcast on Monday, the executive producer said it was a "not yet reined-in idea."
The "Jeopardy!" host took time out for a shoutout to his son after a long wait.
"The Late Late Show" host rolled out the rollicking highlights of Watts doing battle on the game show.