Julianne Moore

Sebastián Lelio’s remake of his own film puts the titular middle-aged divorcée in the hands of a new actress. The results are wonderful.
The Oscar-winning actress said she "worships" Melissa McCarthy, who took over the role.
The singer-songwriter will play the civil rights activist who co-founded Ms. magazine with Steinem in “The Glorias: A Life On The Road."
"You and your testimony are credible. We believe you.”
Stars really brought their fashion A-games.
Even in progressive films, realistic representation of people in recovery Is missing.
Women don’t need you telling them you’re a feminist -- it’s your brothers that do.
More than 200 women have said the "Bugsy" screenwriter acted inappropriately toward them.
These photos are 🔥 , and so are her comments.
Here's your first glimpse at one of the year's must-see movies.