Kevin Hart

The blooper reel from the rapper’s Tokyo highlights program with actor Kevin Hart has some real doozies.
Don’t assume your apology will work right away. Just look at Chrissy Teigen.
A new rom-com, a Kevin Hart movie and several animated films also made the ranking.
The comedian, in a conversation with Will Smith on "Red Table Talk," said his 16-year-old was "tough" on him.
"The Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon” hurt the disabled community. Critics say Kevin Hart's "reimagined" version still missed the mark.
The guest host relished the late night spotlight as he took on the COVID-19 resurgence.
"We're counting our blessings and couldn't be more grateful," Parrish wrote on Instagram.
"There was a big gap between what I thought the problem was versus what the problem really was," the comedian said.
"We’ve been through it, we’ve gone through, we’re past it," she said in a new Netflix docuseries about the comedian.
In a Netflix series, the comedian reflects on the furor that cost him the chance to host the Academy Awards.