Kevin Spacey

A clip from the animated show has resurfaced after Spacey was accused of harassing a 14-year-old actor.
Men are using sexuality as a shield to protect their abusive behavior.
The actor Anthony Rapp has brought forth allegations that Kevin Spacey sexually harassed him when he was 14 years old.
“Being gay is not an excuse for trying to molest children.”
The actor's response to the allegations was his first public declaration that he is gay.
Russian trolls seeking to destabilize the 2016 election were made to binge watch ‘House of Cards’ to better understand American politics. Here’s what they learned from President Frank Underwood.
The coy wink-wink humor diminished the gravitas of coming out while inadvertently reinforcing the idea that it’s somehow shameful to just say “I’m gay."
And seems to be recruiting Lin-Manuel Miranda as 2020's VP.
“I’m going to get in trouble when I get home."