Mark Hamill

"This Is WAY cooler than the time Steven Tyler spilled red wine on my arm," she wrote.
"Did anyone have Donald retweeting Randy Quaid's do-over vote idea on their 2020 Election Bingo card?" asked "Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill.
These "Star Wars" memes are a Force to be reckoned with.
The "Star Wars" actor narrated the GOP group's spot slamming Trump's efforts to restrict the counting of mail-in ballots.
The Star Wars star tries to fact-check some of Trump's biggest lies.
"HE'S GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED," warned "Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill.
The U.S. Postal Service has been struggling under nationwide cuts ordered by Trump's hand-picked postmaster general, Louis DeJoy.
Mark Hamill explained that his iconic character was going to show up even sooner.
“If you’re offended, you’re missing the point," say organizers of the "F**k Trump" campaign.
"Jimmy Kimmel Live!" just became "The Surprise of Skywalker."