Martin Scorsese

The "Thor" actor has starred in eight Marvel films since 2011 and is still miffed that his heroes, including Francis Ford Coppola, have openly dismissed the genre.
The acerbic "Taxi Driver" screenwriter said he was having dinner at Scorsese's home when the incident occurred.
The acclaimed filmmaker is partnering with the conservative network to produce a show about Catholic saints.
“But look, it all worked out in the end, I think,” said Wahlberg about the Oscar-winning film directed by Martin Scorsese.
The actor said that Scorsese's response to the song — performed by her partner, "Barbie" star Ryan Gosling — was a "major moment."
The iconic director listed off some of his concerns about moviegoers, whom he described as "raucous" at screenings.
You may never look the same way at the "Taxi Driver" scene ever again after the famed director dished on it.
The Oscar-winning actor praised the pair he called "the great duo of my generation."
The actor stars opposite Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro in the crime-drama film.