Roseanne Barr

The 65-year-old comedian also revealed that her friends told her she “made a fatal mistake” by apologizing to Valerie Jarrett.
Barr's character will apparently be killed off in "The Conners" to explain her absence.
The president may not be invited to Sen. John McCain's funeral, but he would likely be welcome here.
ABC picked up a spin-off of the revival weeks after the comedian's racist tweet.
The "Last Man Standing" star stopped short of defending his fellow Hollywood conservative, but saved some sauce for a "things you can't say" rant.
Roseanne Barr spoke to Sean Hannity in her first interview since ABC fired her for a racist tweet.
The former Obama adviser told "The View" her opinion of Barr's public appearances is simple: Less is more.
The “Rick and Morty” co-creator apologized for the 2009 video and has deleted his Twitter account.
The former star of ABC's “Roseanne” also said voting for Trump “is not allowed in Hollywood.”