The Daily Show

"They literally said, 'Please don't talk to her,'" Stewart recalled Apple telling him while speaking with Khan on Monday.
"The Daily Show" host compares the promise of technology to what's really happening.
"The Daily Show" star channeled the conservative channel to hilariously prattle on in defense of Trump.
The "Daily Show" contributor reminded viewers of Trump's most controversial moments, and ripped him as a “terrible f**king president."
"The Daily Show" correspondent has some blunt advice for anyone trying to buy access to power.
"The Daily Show" correspondent exposes one of the former president's biggest hypocrisies.
"The Daily Show" correspondent tears into the former president's latest grift.
“The Daily Show” host tears into the former president’s claim ― and shows why the case matters.
"The Daily Show" personality has chatted with colorful MAGA disciples to comic effect, but he recalled one surprising conversation.
The “Daily Show” correspondent declared that “anything can happen” in the presidential race.