The Handmaid's Tale

Elisabeth Moss returns to the world of Gilead.
The actress known for playing Aunt Lydia in the Hulu series had some stern words for abortion opponents.
"This isn’t a scene from The Handmaid’s Tale," the 2020 contender told supporters. "This is happening in Alabama ― in our country ― in the year 2019."
She sent out a fundraising email in which she encouraged people to donate to groups supporting reproductive rights, not her presidential campaign.
Hulu’s advertisement for Season 3 of “The Handmaid’s Tale” is a dark play on Ronald Reagan's famous "Morning in America" ad.
Margaret Atwood, the author of “The Handmaid’s Tale,” is writing a sequel to the hit novel.
The bestselling author said "the world we've been living in" helped inspire her upcoming book “The Testaments."
This is the second year in a row the first lady has been blasted for her White House Christmas decorations.
“My heart has melted into a billion pieces a thousand times already," she posted on Instagram.