
Being a journalist in 2018 has felt a lot like climbing a building while the nation watches, waiting for you to fall.
The Harry Potter author joked about preserving Trump's tweets as "an amazing resource for a writer."
After flipping through "Fifty Shades of Grey" at a bookstore, I thought, “Hey, I can write this crap.”
"Every voice needs to be heard. I hope we get there eventually."
The author's books were the spark of a movement in my evolution as an artist that took me away from shame and toward confession.
Toni Morrison is a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer whose novels like “Beloved” unapologetically depict the African-American experience. #BlackGlory #BlackHistoryMonth
The author died at her Oregon home on Monday.
Sensitivity readers say to the author, “We exist too, and we ought to exist on our terms.”
Bring on the new year, and a new TBR pile stacked with fresh reads.
Sometimes collective rage turns into beautiful words.