10 Simple Steps You can take to 'Feel Better About Yourself'

~ 10 Simple Steps You can take to 'Feel Better About Yourself ~
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This will be a reminder to some of you but sometimes when things aren't going well we can't see the wood for the trees or we're just having one of those 'off' days, it's good to have a gentle nudge that there are some really simple things to bring us up a vibrational notch or two.

For me personally, these days I am more in tune with myself and understand that I can't be ultra happy ALL of the time with myself and it is ok to have some down time but equally I don't want to stay there for very long. AND that's the key, getting back up again quickly.

I have included a photo here of me at the beach, a place I can visit to wash away any 'debris', start afresh and focus on what's really important to me.

Every morning I tell myself that 'I am enough', this is a brilliant start to the day for me and a reminder that I am very comfortable in my own skin. I accept totally who I am.

Here are some ideas for you try today:

  • Stop trying so hard....... we all try so hard to be that perfect mother, wife, child, friend, colleague etc and it's just too hard. So for today, let it go and allow yourself to be just you.
  • You make it happen........simply put, take action, any action is good, at least you aren't where you started, you're on your way and you'll feel better for it.
  • Stay focused. Stay positive........get a piece of paper and write down everything you have accomplished, write down all the things you feel proud about.....well done YOU!
  • 'You are the greatest'.......I love this saying from Muhammed Ali, he said this time and time again to himself until he believed it.
  • Reframe your identity......this is a great one if I was to ask you to describe yourself what would you say? Have a careful think as this is how you see your self-worth. So perhaps you could redefine this if it doesn't sit well with you?
  • Challenge negative self-talk.......we all have a little inner voice that goes on inside our heads all day long, this little voice is based on our beliefs, values and subconscious and conscious thoughts and it's through this which gives us our interpretation of how we 'see' the world. Hence, we can all see the same situation differently. So you will find it very hard to feel good if your self-talk is mostly negative. Firstly just be aware of the negativity then you can try saying to yourself 'cancel/cancel to stop the negative thought growing.
  • Take time for yourself......make YOU a priority instead of everything else on your to-do list, don't neglect yourself whilst caring for others.
  • Take a deep breath.......sit back, close your eyes, and visualize things working out. Then open your eyes and re-focus on the issue.
  • Write down what you're thankful for.......do it right now and sit with the feeling, watch how you stop the negativity spiralling down.
  • Give just a bit more today.......just for today, go above and beyond. Give more than is normally expected of you at home or work. See how you feel.....

Above all, YOU ARE ENOUGH..........! Keep saying it over and over again, because it's true. I wish you a fabulous day!

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