10 Resolutions Every Woman Should Make In 2017

"Let’s find a sense of empathy and compassion that seems to be lost. "
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1. Find beauty in your body, no matter what size you are.

Vow to appreciate your body, your hair, your skin, and your looks in general. So many times, we let the labels on our clothes or the number on the scale determine our view of our personal beauty. Know you are beautiful no matter what.

2. Learn something new just for you.

Take a class. Pursue a passion. Don’t worry about what’s going to help you climb the ladder at work or professionally. Learn something because you want to learn it, whether it’s playing the violin or learning a new language. It’s never too late to let new knowledge spark new pursuits and passions.

3. Take time to just breathe each day.

Between raising children, pursuing jobs, and maintaining relationships, the modern woman can drown herself in hectic schedules. Set aside time each day to just breathe, to think, and to just be really present in the moment. This time should be guilt-free and adhered to, no matter what’s happening. You deserve to recharge.

4. Define yourself.

Too often, we let society define who we are as women. We allow society to attach labels to us and qualifiers. Vow this year to define who you are on your own terms…and don’t let anyone make you feel sorry for who you are. You do not have to live up to a certain standard or personality. Be yourself and own that definition.

5. Compare yourself to yourself alone.

From the gym to our jobs, we seem to be encouraged to compare ourselves to other women. We want to be known as the prettiest, skinniest, smartest, kindest, etc. This year, vow to only compare yourself—to yourself. Strive to beat your personal bests. Strive to better yourself, not to be the best. Strive to know you are one-of-a-kind, and comparisons with other women only detracts from your happiness.

6. Cut yourself some slack when you mess up.

As women in the modern era, there’s pressure to be perfect. We must have it all together. We must never admit the dishes are stacked to the ceiling in our kitchens because we’re just too tired to deal with them. We can’t admit we sometimes feed our children Lunchables or that we wear mismatched pajamas. We can’t admit we flipped a lady off in the Target parking lot because we were pissed. We are told we must be model women who can do it all. We must be perfect professionals, skilled mothers, supportive spouses, and kind, nurturing people at all times. This year, though, know it’s okay to slip up. Be the best you can be, but cut yourself some slack. We all make mistakes. We all fall down. We all get fed up with our lives. It’s okay to not be perfect…it’s human.

7. Be kind, but also confident.

Kindness really does count. Make 2017 a year you try to show compassion in big and small ways. However, know it’s also okay to stick up for yourself and be confident in yourself. Being a kind woman does not mean you should be stepped on. Sometimes you just have to own the sassy woman residing inside. Modern women are not held to the “sugary sweet” kindness of other generations. We are dual-sided. Know that’s more than okay.

8. Give…and also take.

As women, we sometimes all into a rut of selfless giving. We worry about everyone, and put our own needs last. In 2017, promise to continue giving…but also know when it’s okay to take a little. Let others take some of the responsibility. Know that recharging is a part of being selfless. You have to rejuvenate or you will burn out.

9. Find joy in pursuing a personal dream.

Reconnect with a dream you’ve let go, big or small. Find time in 2017 to pursue it, even if it’s in a small way. Have you always wanted to write a book? Set yourself a goal of an hour or two a week to work on your dream—or more, if you can manage it. Pursuing forgotten passions or dreams can make life more exciting.

10. Support each other.

It’s a harsh world we live in. Let’s vow in 2017 to support each other, male or female. Let’s find a sense of empathy and compassion that seems to be lost. It doesn’t always take a big act to promote kindness in a world that seems bleak. By supporting others, you can find new meaning in your own life and in your own 2017 goals.

Lindsay Detwiler is a contemporary romance author and high school English teacher. Learn more about her romance novels at www.lindsaydetwiler.com.

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