A 1940s Illustration Of Female Orgasm Is A Surrealist Masterpiece

We'll have what she's having!

Orgasms are hard to describe. The reigning classification of the climactic sensation seems to be -- you'll know it when you have it. Popular explanations include vague phrases like "intense release" or are illustrated with analogies referencing warm waterfalls, lightning bolts and tiny explosions.

Well, seems like it's time to add one more orgasm description to the list, and this one involves a bundle of electricity that starts at your feet and expands upwards, turning your whole body into a buzzing circuit of static energy pulsing from your fingers, toes, and face. Oh, and your head as a massive eyeball.

Behold, the amazing illustration from a 1949 issue of Sexology Magazine, featuring a surrealist depiction of the lady's little death. Needless to say, I'll have what she's having.

The retro clipping contains a textual snippet asserting that, according to sexologists, over 30 percent of women in their sample did not experience orgasms during marital union. It then proceeds to describe an orgasm as an "all consuming nervous explosion which permeates the entire being ... both physically and mentally," and is "unique and unmatched in all other human experiences."

The glorious drawing is a friendly reminder to ladies everywhere, wed and unwed, to chase that orgasm and fight for the right to come. Don't you want to turn your body into a Salvador Dali drawing?

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