5 Ways to Become an Eternal Optimist

5 Ways to Become an Eternal Optimist
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The truth is, even the most optimistic people have some not-so-positive days. Whether it be due to stress or everything just seeming to go awry, even the eternal optimists of the world could use a little reminder to keep their heads up, sometimes - cue Andy Grammer. Keep reading for 5 ways to be an eternal optimist and always see that silver lining thing people keep talking about.

Tip #1: Be Thankful

Sometimes, we get so caught up with what's going wrong that we neglect to realize all that we have to be grateful for. That flat tire may have put a dent in your day, making you late for work - but you are fortunate to have a great job to be late to.

This tip serves as a reminder to count your blessings, not your problems. Focusing on all that you have to be thankful for can really lift your mood and change the tune of your attitude to a positive one.

Tip #2: Refuse to Let Things Get You Down

The reality is, you're the one in control of your mood. Undesirable things can happen, but you're the one who decides how you're going to react. There's a well-known adage that says, "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it." It may seem like that parking ticket is the most ridiculous thing in the world at that moment - but in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing to ruin your day over.

When something discouraging happens, acknowledge it, learn from it, & move past it.

Tip #3: Don't Allow Others to Get You Down

Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted for an immense amount of her wisdom. One of my favorites was highlighted in the movie that kicked off Anne Hathaway's career - "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

There are some not-so-nice people out there, plain and simple. Why should we let miserable people let their misery project onto us? If you're putting good out into the world, and someone decides to have a problem with you for no apparent reason, let it go the way it came. Positivity beats negativity, always.

Tip #4: Think Happy Thoughts

Believe it or not, simply thinking happy thoughts and smiling can boost your mood. A 2011 study found that individuals who smile, as a result of cultivating positive thoughts, improve their mood and are more productive. Merely smiling at the thought of laying on a tropical beach with a fruity cocktail in hand might be just what you need.

Tip #5: See the Silver Lining

My mother always says, "Everything happens for a reason." While that reason may not always be immediately clear in the moment, it's important to do your best to find the good in every situation.

Yeah, that $50 parking ticket is a real bummer, but it could be a $100 red light ticket. Moral of the story, there's always a silver lining - you just have to find it.

Jessica is an optimist who loves coming up with ways to organize and simplify everyday life. The Organized Optimist is a blog where she shares organization and decorating tips & tricks served up with a side of optimism and humor.

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