Clinton or Trump? Who Will Be President? 2016 Election

Clinton or Trump? Who Will Be President? 2016 Election
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Polls, statistics, graphs, there are countless ways to predict who will be the next president. This election fluctuates as much as the ocean tide, one week it appears to be a shoe in for Hillary, the next week a new wave of enthusiasm for Trump arrives as Hillary swims against email troubles. In the unpredictable contest even the oddball prediction method has its allure. People are looking for insights from traditional polls to unconventional systems of forecasting. Some of the more far out prediction methods include measuring the depth of the candidate’s voice, giving the candidate who is tallest the edge, or comparing how long they have held public office along with other strange methods. Astrology has its own method of predicting who will win the election based upon the day, place and time they were born.

Astrologers use arcane jargon within their circles but in everyday terms it all boils down to a basic process; who appears to be more pleased or happier on the day of the election according to their astrology. How an astrologer does this is through the symbol of the planets, where certain planets represent more joy or luck and others symbolize disappointment or hardship. In the case of Clinton versus Trump it is necessary to check out two possible charts for Hillary as two times of birth are used.

In looking at the day of the election we add up the points from the positive planets and compare them against the planets that represent disappointment. The wild cards are the neutral planets, the ones that have subjective interpretations. In many respects analyzing who will win through looking at the astrology charts is similar to a judges in a sporting events where points are attributed for the athlete’s performance. The athlete with the highest score wins the medal.

Hillary has several points going for her on the night of the election; Jupiter the planet of luck and opportunity is connected with her Sun, what she does with her life. This signature is a winning symbol when one person has it and the other doesn’t. Jupiter to her Mercury, getting good news. Another symbol represents moving, and another harmonious aspect to personal planets representing a sigh of relief.

There is a negative point, which indicates that something is not as it seems to be, cloudy or confused. The results may be contested or foul play could be called by the Trump team. In what circumstances would a candidate not win when they have the majority favorable transits? If getting to the finish line is a big triumph for them whether they win or lose.

In Trumps corner we have Jupiter, the planet of fortune and good luck connecting to a part of the chart that symbolizes fulfillment in a deep seated goal. All of the other indicators are subjective, for example the planet of letting go and change is connected to his career, is he letting go of his desire for presidency or is he letting go of his real-estate business? However over the next month there is a feeling of being let down or disappointed, making tough choices and having concern or worry over the woman in his life.

Both candidates have a major get serious vibe in December, also representing being ill and dealing with stress. Win or lose Donald and Hillary will have a lot on their plates in preparing for the New Year challenges in 2017.

Who will win? Hillary is favored over because she appears to be happier the night of the election. If the election is contested then Trump has a chance as he has very favorable indicators on the inaugural day. However more than likely he will be using December to regroup and refocus on new business goals. Is it possible that Trump will win? Sure, there are more indications in 2017 of Trump taking charge and making big changes than Hillary, however the planets are aligned in her favor to win.

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