Raising Kids: Embrace This Stage of Your Life

Raising Kids: Embrace This Stage of Your Life
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I ran into an acquaintance today. Someone I haven’t seen in ages and we stopped and chatted. We exchanged updated information about our families, as one does when they haven’t seen someone in a long time. She asked about the ages of my kids and told me her children are grown and out of the house.

You’re so lucky she said, “Your kids are still at home with you. Life isn’t as fun when your kids grow up and move away. I miss those times.”

She paused for a moment and I could tell she was feeling melancholy.

“I try to enjoy every day,” I said, “and you’re right, it is fun. Most of the time.”

We finished our conversation and each moved on with our day.

This was a good reminder to me. To you. To all of us who are raising our kids. Sometimes life gets hectic and it’s easy to forget how special and sacred it is to have our children with us at home.

While I try to embrace every stage of my life, the time with our kids is fleeting. They are only home for a finite amount of time before they grow up and go out into the big world. I can actually calculate how many days I have left until my kids graduate from high school and move on with their lives.

We must remember this as we drive carpool, pack lunches and help with word problems that make us question if we’re actually smarter than a 5th grader. Our time together is special. It is a season of life to be embraced. A moment in time to be celebrated.

Raising kids isn’t for wimps. It takes patience, perseverance and wine. A lot of wine.

My kids are older now and life has gotten easier compared to years past of dealing with screaming babies and piles of laundry. Raising teenage girls comes with its own set of challenges and there’s never a dull moment in our household, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I know I’m blessed to have them and I don’t take my beautiful daughters for granted.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t had thoughts when I long for my kids to be in college, out of my house and taking their drama with them. These thoughts usually occur when I can’t find my clothing, my hairdryer is missing and someone has taken the shampoo out of my shower.

Truth be told, I don’t really want my kids to grow up and move away. But, I’m human and sometimes my kids push me to the edge. I’m not a Saint. I’m a Mom doing the best I can to raise happy and healthy children who will grow up to hopefully make the world a better place.

Seeing this woman today, longing for years past and telling me her life doesn’t feel as full today reminded me to count my blessings. To embrace my messy house. To give into the chaos I sometimes fight.

In less than 5 years my life will look different. My kids will be on their own and my husband and I will find ourselves with a much quieter house, clean rooms and less drama.

I’ll worry about that then. Right now, I’m going to enjoy the here and now, make every day I have with my kids count and feel blessed to be at this stage of my life. And, I recommend you do the same.

Want more? You can follow Dara at her blog, Crazy Perfect Life and on social media on Facebook or on Twitter.

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