Good Karma – Bad Karma – 8 Ways to Sustain Good Juju

Good Karma – Bad Karma – 8 Ways to Sustain Good Juju
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In a previous Huff Post blog, I penned a few practical principles for living a life of flow. The article was entitled “Keys to a Silver Lining” and it was a humorous take on aging, which concluded with some rather poignant keys to living in harmony with all.

While living a life in harmony is altruistic and noble, it seems humans should first employ the basics. While I am a firm believer in karma and the impact or measure of its return, it is predicated on how awake and aware you are in consciousness. Consciousness is the foundation of everything and determines what your actions will be in any given circumstance. Wikipedia defines consciousness this way: “Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of the mind.”

Intelligent and spiritually awake people are keenly aware that what goes out will come back. Everything you say think and do will return to you, so it just makes good sense to be self-aware of your thoughts and actions, always cognizant that it will all return to you.

1. Don’t cheat anyone

The all-inclusive, “do unto others” principle applies to parking tickets, cheating on your taxes, skimping on tipping your waitress, cheating on a spouse or mate and of course cheating on a test, exam or resume. With all commonsensical principles the foundation is, “Don’t do it if you don’t want it done to you.” I recently had someone tell me that if I got a parking ticket, to “Just tear it up!” The more awake you are the quicker that will barrel back multiplied. Tearing up a $25.00 parking ticket would return as a $600.00 need for new tires or something else.

2. Tell no lies

Some people lie for what they perceive as a way to keep from hurting another persons’ feelings, some lie because they are sociopaths and some lie simply because telling the truth is too time consuming. Some lie to hide their own insecurities, some because they are lazy and some lie because they have become accustomed and conditioned to lying. The bad news is that anything you make a habit takes real effort to undo and you risk becoming immune to truth.

3. False accusations or throwing shade

Social media has enabled every form of life to have an opinion and a platform to falsify information and bastardize the character of anyone they don’t like or agree with. Inevitably, when they cannot get enough attention on their own merits which they crave the most, they have to raise the bar to include sensationalized falsehoods. Don’t falsely accuse people unless you want to be falsely accused.

4. Blaming others

Blaming others for your choices or participation in something is like blaming the sun for being hot. Anytime you point the finger of blame, you show your willingness to buy into the victim mentality which then perpetuates more victim activity. The more you believe yourself to be a victim the more you attract turmoil. Taking personal responsibility is the antidote to blame.

5. Take the high road

So you see someone in social media hating on a person or bullying them, or you watch a political figure insult a war hero or a person with a disability and you say nothing, you do nothing, nor are you swayed toward what is right. Since “right” is subjective and is a matter of culture, religion, spirituality and beliefs, it cannot be defined in this format, it is simply too broad. However, most decent human beings know when they see something which is egregious or abhorrent. By doing nothing or saying nothing, you consent and comply. In the old days they called that “weak-willed,” “gutless,” “spineless” or “cowardly.” In today’s society it has become acceptable and is often even rewarded. The high road is getting narrower each day as terrain engulfs the once well-traveled road of goodness and decency.

6. Resentment and harboring

Those who harbor ill will, anger or resentment towards others are typically not of the ilk you want to be around because it will always end up at your door one way or another. Either you will be on the personal end of receiving that kind of degradation or you will be the ears and the shoulder that carries the ongoing bludgeoning of whomever they are pissed at. You may even begin to become like those who have this unsavory trait because “Whatever you hang around with you become.” Sickness and disease are the not only the symptoms of this kind of untamed and unhealed dysfunction, but they usually are the end result. Blocked arteries, cancer, Fibromyalgia, kidney/bladder issues and hypertension are all symptoms of harboring resentment or hurt feelings.

7. Revenge

Revenge is the consummate enemy to the human spirit. It robs you of decency, balance, serenity and guarantees you will always be looking over your shoulder for that boomerang return. When you understand the workings of the universe you realize that everyone gets back what they have put out in one way or another. Don’t do it unless you want to be trounced and drown in negative karma.

8. Do the RIGHT thing

With rare exception, most people know what it is. – Doing the right thing, like returning a lost wallet to its owner or returning to the store when the cashier accidentally gives you back too much money, triggers various chemicals in the body. Helping others or any act of kindness elevates the happy chemicals of the brain and gives you a sense of euphoria. Science has proven that kindness generates what is known as the “helpers high” due to elevated levels of dopamine in the brain. You also create what I like to call, “A goodness chain” or domino effect. People love to be helpful and they love to give contrary to what many believe. The health benefits of kindness are endless, they include; aging slower, a healthy heart, lower blood pressure, stress release and an overall sense of well-being and science is even studying how pain can be diminished by performing good deeds.

If only all thoughts and actions began with the simple question, "Would I want it done to me?"

Often we as humans do things which do not bode

We overlook the consequence to others on the road.

We fail to see that many times we change the microcosm

We fail to see the tiny bee there inside the blossom.

The actions that you take each day affect the world around

Think about the words you say, your actions do expound.

The people in your life take hits through choices that you make,

Many times you do not think and others you forsake.

Would you want it done to you, I pose this simple query,

Would you feel the way they do and wouldn't you grow weary?

Think about the roads you take, the flowers that line the path,

Are there to bring you beauty, not to be the aftermath.

Ariaa Jaeger

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