The Inspirational Woman Project: Delilah Panio

The Inspirational Woman Project: Delilah Panio
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The Inspirational Woman Project believes that every woman is inspirational. It’s our mission to tell their stories.

Delilah Panio is passionate about helping women build their dream companies and achieve economic independence through entrepreneurship. She is the L.A. Lead for SheEO’s Radical Generosity program and the Founder of Stiletto Dash.

When do you feel most powerful?

{Panio} When I'm in a room of heart-centered and authentic women talking about their lives and businesses, and how we have everything we need to live our best lives and to help our sisters around the world be able to do the same.

Who inspires you?

{Panio} People who are living their authentic truth. In this world of societal expectations and warped definitions of success, I want to hang out with people who are genuinely on the journey to know themselves and make choices that are in alignment with what brings them satisfaction, joy, and love. There aren't many but they are out there!

What is your mantra?

{Panio} Ease and grace. I have been one of those women with crazy self expectations and it has only hurt me. One thing I know for sure is that magic happens when I just surrender and stop getting in my own way. Life really doesn't have to be a struggle. I'm still working on this one :)

What are you excited about right now?

{Panio} That we are in this extraordinary time of chaos and change... which always means opportunity. There is a global shift to a more feminine paradigm and this change is hitting the business world through more feminine concepts like social entrepreneurship, impact investing and conscious capitalism. And for the first time in history, we women in the western world have incredible purchasing and investing power... enough to redesign the world... and we just need the education, tools, and inspiration to make that happen.

Why are you passionate about changing the funding options for female entrepreneurs?

{Panio} Women are starting companies at 1.5 times the rate of men and they are choosing entrepreneurship because of a passion, a market need, for lifestyle reasons, and/or out of necessity... but there is so little capital available to them. It stresses me out! Because I honestly don't know how they are going to make it. I am surrounded by these amazing women who are risking their health, their relationships, and their bank accounts and I don't know how they aren't going to end up on the path to bankruptcy and burn out. We need more capital sources for women... and because the reality is that people invest in who and what they know, we need women to start stepping up with their investing dollars to support other women!

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