Safey First: November Growing Guide Offered by American Mustache Institute, Wahl

Safey First: November Growing Guide Offered by American Mustached Institute, Wahl
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The month of November, mustache growing and charitable movements are a decade-old union which has brought facial hair roaring back into fashion and raised millions upon millions for meaningful health-focused causes.

And as the trend snowballs, this week the American Mustache Institute and Wahl Grooming issued the first five tips of a multi-disciplinary education-focused public service partnership called the November Facial Hair Survival Guide. The effort focuses on mandating effective and proper facial hair growth during November to ensure for effective, efficient, long-lasting attractiveness.

“For many weaker Americans, November is a time of extreme experimentation while they work to determine their ability to accept a lifestyle of facial hair,” said Dr. Adam Paul Causgrove, chief executive of the American Mustache Institute (AMI). “We have a responsibility to assist those embarking on their journey to a better tomorrow, and along with Wahl we will achieve this mandate with swift militancy.”

Led by Dr. Causgrove and AMI’s Thermo Nuclear Mustachery Division in partnership with Wahl, the Guide will provide some 833 steps — released throughout the month — sharing insights and best practices for experiencing a sexually dynamic Mustached American lifestyle or simply one of broader facial hair. The effort, Dr. Causgrove hopes, will ease the burden and pave the road toward a more effective, efficient, and prosperous life.

“We’re ushering in a pilgrimage,” he noted. “The journey to a fully-embraced Mustached American lifestyle begins with putting down the razor on day one, and we are here to hold your naturally calloused and possibly quivering hand through what may be a challenging first month.”

Five starter tips in the November Facial Hair Survival Guide released this week include:

  • TIP #69 - Don’t forget to ‘stache match: Your mustache is just one part of the equation as it relates to your personal style. First, your ‘stache style must fit your face – and both AMI and Wahl offer a variety of options. But wardrobe matters too. Think smoking jackets, Speedos, Hawaiian shirts, flannel shirts, Dickie’s, Hulkamania tees and tank-tops that are three sizes too small.
  • TIP #340 - Never give up, ever: Some claim they don’t grow mustaches because they can’t cultivate “a good mustache.” But never forget what it says in mystical texts – “There is no such thing as a bad mustache. Only bad people who do not own, nor operate, mustaches.” Translation: Stop shaving and experience the joy of the follically endowed.
  • TIP #455 - Leash the beast: A mustache is like a wild animal and must be tamed accordingly. How so? By deftly maneuvering an appropriate trimming instrument to keep it in proper form.
  • TIP #21 - Give it the rock-star treatment: Just like nurturing the health of children through fruits, vegetables, vitamins, milk and more – you must nurture the beast that is your new mouth rug. Feed it bacon, beer, steak, more bacon, ham, and low-grade Kentucky bourbon whiskey.
  • TIP #833 - The party’s over when you say it is: While men trim, shaving is for the weak. So once November ends, you must fight the urging of the clean-shaven aristocracy to remove said facial fur. After all, as it says in the Dead Sea Scrolls, “Each time a mustache is shaved; an angel in heaven dies and falls to earth.” And no one – no one – wants to see an angel hurt.

A key charitable tie this year is Wahl’s partnership with ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer to support their seasonal Grow & Give recruiting campaign seeking men to “beard up” in November trading whisker growth for prostate cancer awareness.

“By growing facial hair men can not only support Grow & Give, but their beards and mustaches can spark important conversations, making them walking, talking billboards for the cause,” said Steven Yde, division vice president for Wahl. “While they are growing we strongly encourage guys to fully embrace the facial hair lifestyle and pick up a Wahl trimmer to maintain their style after November as well.”

For more information about the November Facial Hair Survival Guide, visit Wahl on Facebook or Twitter orAMI on Facebook or Twitter throughout the month of November.

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