Letter To The Future emale President Elect

Letter to the future female President Elect
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Dear Clinton Campaign,

I am sorry you lost the election, it hurts and many are hurting with you. However, it is also time to review and learn from possible mistakes which should not be repeated by the next woman to run for president and lead our country.

New York City is a different world unto itself, nothing compares to us and therefore all of the support and money from this circle does not reflect the rest of the country.

In my opinion it is difficult if not impossible for women who are struggling to put food on the table to believe that Hillary Clinton was with them. The millions of women across the country who struggle daily with not having enough money to pay rent, feed children, pay bills and head up a household can't possibly feel connected to a woman who is constantly in the company of rock stars and celebrities preaching about her understanding for women who struggle.

The women who struggle can't afford a concert ticket or a movie ticket and did not connect! Can you blame them? This is a real concern and most of us live in a bubble about what is happening across the country.

Women need to have hope and keep their dreams alive, when there is hope there is possibility. If we can recognize this need and address appropriately, we will make a difference in the lives of many women of all ages and demographics.

I do not have the answers but I do see an urgent need to connect with women and work at their level whatever it may be, communication is more than words it is empathy, kindness and understanding.

The election is over and the country, our fellow citizens and neighbors, have cast their vote and whether you agree with the outcome or not, the deed is done. After 8 years of building a relationship with President Obama we will be starting a new and it is unnerving.

As a country we should come together to heal from all the ugliness of a long election campaign and try to comfort each other in an age of uncertainty. Women need to look beyond their inner circles, get out of their comfort zone and connect with other women, this is how we can help others.

It does not behoove us to remain negative and closed off from our reality, we should strive to make it better where we can and the first step is acceptance.

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