Breaking the Chains of Sugar Dependency

Breaking the Chains of Sugar Dependency
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Our society is a slave to sugar. Like a bad relationship, a toxic addiction, a crippling dependency— we continue to poison ourselves at will. Far too often we use sugar to placate hunger or cravings, get a midday boost, and –those of us who have kiddos that tend to be picky eaters— use it to get our kids to eat, or as a snack on the go.

While we have become increasingly dependent on sugar, we’ve now begun to evolve. Just like we’ve seen the number of smokers decreased since the health risks of tobacco were discovered, we are seeing a move toward a healthier lifestyle when it comes to food— and the folks at Bar-In-The-Jar are leading the fight.

All natural, raw/uncooked, and with zero refined sugar, Bar-In-The-Jar retains nutritional value, vitamins, and minerals of energy rich ingredients such as: raw honey, unsulfured sun-dried Turkish apricots, 100% cacao, 100% almond butter, 100% hazelnut butter, and raw sesame seeds. As a semi-solid, they put it in a Jar, and they’re working on a gel-pack for the on-the-go athlete.

Bar-In-The-Jar offers the ideal alternative for diabetics, moms on the go, athletes, and those who just want to lead a healthier life. Instead of grabbing a sugar-rich protein bar on the way out of the house, we can now grab a tasty yet healthier choice.

According to MD Molly Maloof, the trick is in the ratios. She says “Although it has 8 grams of sugar per serving, it has a phenomenal card to fiber ratio of three. Ideally, you want the ratio to be less than 4, so it won’t spike your blood sugar.”

While the product has many beneficiaries, Bar-In-The-Jar was created by a team of busy fathers, so children’s welfare was top of mind. Aside from providing busy moms with a healthy, non-perishable snack option to the graham crackers or browning apple slices, Bar-In-The-Jar might soon be a healthy alternative at school districts.

This progressive company just launched their product on Kickstarter. When asked the proverbial “why?” one of Bar-In-The-Jar’s Partners, Neil Abjuga, simply said “We want to create a healthier world, and we’re doing it with the best ingredients on earth.”

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