Spotlight on The Inspiring Elizabeth Blade: Poet, Author, Writer, and Lyricist

Spotlight on The Inspiring Elizabeth Blade: Poet, Author, Writer, and Lyricist
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For this week’s Spotlight I was happy to have been able to interview the ever Inspiring Poet, Author, Writer, and Lyricist Elizabeth Blade. Check out the interview.

Photo of Author Elizabeth Blade

SS: First can you tell us something about yourself?

EB: I am an author and poet, I love to write and have been apart of several books this year alone. I have also founded my own Poetry With A Passion Movement which is a community online group on my website that encourages other poets and poetry lovers to subscribe. My freelance business writing name is Moondance Word Artistry and I would love to write my own column for a magazine/newspaper someday, something very inspirational because the world needs more inspiration.

SS: When did you begin on writing?

EB: I began writing at a very young age, I believe it was around the age of five or so, the words would make sense to me on the page and nobody else, so I would read what I wrote to my Mother and she would write out in print what I was trying to say, I was just five so as you can imagine my writing and spelling skills were not that grand, however my mum listened and she would say that I would write ‘beyond my years’ I heard from several people that I was a ‘wise soul’ I wrote above my years. I was always described as a ‘deep thinker’ poetry was one of the first things I would write, I would write what was from my heart and my mind. I wrote poetry before I even knew what it really was. As I grew older I never really let go of writing what I feel and how I see the world around me. I have always been that ‘deep thinker’ I have always been a dreamer. Dreamers dream and writers write, they write into the night all the way to sunlight.

SS: Can you recall the first story you wrote?

EB: I remember the first poem I wrote, I remember it being very inspirational, but in regards to actual story, I wasn’t that old but it was a story called Murder in The Streets. I would’ve been around eleven or so (I know not a kind of thing an eleven-year-old should be writing about – (giggles) but it was about finding the Murderer and getting justice. I was the youngest in my family and I grew up I’d say quicker than most because I would watch what the older siblings/family would watch, so things like Murder She Wrote which was a popular show when I was growing up and Jake & The Fat man or even Unsolved Mysteries, I would watch those shows and I would really like the story angles. So I wrote a little tail. I cannot remember the story 100% but I remember the title. I remember being really proud, but the story never went anywhere. The teacher was rather displeased and I was told to ‘write something else’ I never remembered what I wrote after that instead of handing in Murder in The Streets it was something else less memorable for me. I remember the title and I even did a cover for it. I wish I had the story today perhaps with my even more matured mind I could actually turn it into something.

SS: What type of genre do you write and why it stands out?

EB: Are you ready for the genres I write? Here goes!

- Crime

- Horror

- Children’s books

- Poetry

- Thrillers

- Inspirational pieces

I have so many ideas of all kinds of things, at one point I was working on twelve stories, that became crazy so I cut it down to eight then four, now I work on one at a time. But if I pick up or read a story I have been working on it always picks my mind up to where I left off so I keep adding more to each story I am working on. But the main things I am working on at the moment for publication is poetry. I love poetry, it speaks volumes, it gives the reader a piece of you. Deep emotions and feelings arise when writing poetry. Does it stand out? Well I would like to think it does. I try not to read other peoples poetry because I would like mine to be original and fresh and come from a place that is purely me and no outside influences, but if anyone ever wanted me to read their poetry of course I wouldn’t be objective towards that, I would like other people to embrace poetry and I would love for others to give poetry a chance whether its reading it or writing it.

SS: Wow that is quite a collection.

SS: How many stories and books have you written?

EB: I have written over eleven co-authored pieces; I have released two eBooks soon I will be releasing one of my poetry books into print. So we are coming up to three of my own my first eBook was in Motion with Devotion Volume One, my second being A Rising Moon on Domestic Violence (first edition eBook only) but later on that will be re-released into print with additional info and other written works added. I am currently writing multiple stories at the moment and working on later Volumes to my Motion with Devotion series, each one is that of poetry but a variety of works and subjects in each of them. I look forward to bringing more and more out. Apart from poetry I am also working on a psychotic thriller, a horror story and also a crime story. So I have a few more under my sleeve then there is also the children’s books I have started (quite the variety) – (laughs)

SS: What can you tell us about your writing process?

EB: I have to feel a certain way in order to write it. It almost feels like I have to get into a zone of how I’m feeling. Music plays a huge impact with that. I put in my earphones and play a song even if its on repeat, I just keep that feeling and I run with it and write the way the music, the sound and melody makes me feel. In my earlier years of writing I could just somehow switch on and write, now music has to fill my mind to spring my mind into action. Deep thoughts and inspiration floods my mind.

I never seem to plan out what I write, I just go with the flow, but I have written quick notes and side notes on what I would want in the book, names of places or names of people. It’s about finding inspiration from within and to put the words together in my mind to display on the screen. The writing starts off with a blinking cursor, almost mocking me to write and create something. I create and deliver something deep within. So I am proud when it all works out, although it may have taken a long road to get there.

SS: Can you tell us about your books? How many have you written?

EB: I have written quite a few (some are yet to be released and are a work in progress) but in a nutshell I have completed three books. Two of which that are eBooks, one that will be in print very soon. (A Rising Moon on Domestic Violence) and another poetry book that is Volume Two of my poetry series in Motion with Devotion – Wonders That Be that will also be released at some point in 2017 all going well. I am involved in quite a few written projects and being a co-author to quite a few this year alone. Over eleven and counting it’s quite fun and thrilling that my words are touching more and more people. A wonderful feeling. I have also wanted to reach people with my words.

SS: What are your favorite characters? Why do they stand out?

EB: My favorite character is in a story I am writing called Murder Under a Dark Sky, his name is John Thompson who is a detective; he stands out to me because he is a tortured soul and has seen so much devastation in his line of work and also his personal life. As a child his parents were brutally murdered in their family home in the still of the night and John and his brother Chris were there on that night. John vowed he would grow up and fight for justice for those that do not have a voice or find some solitude for family members and loved ones. He stands out to me because his very genuine and real. When reading back the story it’s a wow moment, that he seems to so real to me and to those I read it to.

I’m very fond of the character, although I am developing the story some may come to like him and find that things happen unexpectedly.

SS: What is some piece of advice you found helpful when beginning to write?

EB: The advice I have been given over the years is to write and never give up. There will always be someone out there that won’t like or connect with what you’re trying to say and that audience is simply not for you, write for the ones that want to read what you write and that connects with what you’re saying. Don’t just write for others but write for yourself as well. Write the stories that you would want to read.

SS: Do you have any special routine you have to follow when you write? For example, do you have to write in a quiet area of the house? Is Music a big part of it?

I would say routine in this day and age for me is something I set myself into when it comes to writing. I write at my desk in my living room and I listen to music to set my mood with what I’m going to write, if I don’t feel in a certain way with the tune I’m listening to, I switch songs then find one that sets me into writer’s mode. I really love the fact that music is a big influence. I have to feel certain emotions when writing a certain subject.

SS: What were some of your writing influences growing up? Did you have a favorite writer?

EB: I have to admit that I didn’t read a lot growing up, I was more into creating my own stories. It wasn’t until my late teens/ early twenties that are started to read books. Stephen King was the first ever book I read back to front that was Christine. I had seen the movie but it certainly does the book justice. It felt like I awoke for the first time. Books were movies for the mind. I found it absolutely incredible. I started to read a lot after that. True crime books, Stephen King, Paranormal stories, it was amazing that it woke something in me. If I could turn back the clock I would definitely start reading earlier.

SS: What piece of advice can you give a beginning writer?

EB: I would say to a beginning writer to write from your heart, don’t write for fame and fortune, write to tell a story. Let the words you write mean something to you and have faith that it resonates with other people. Keep at it, critique your words and the way you want to put them. Change, re-arrange and start again. Writing can be a little stressful and there is a lot involved but keep at it. Never give up. When people knock you down, get back up. It’s your words and your story. Share your words with the world.

SS: What do you hope your readers take away from reading your books?

EB: I really hope that my readers take away inspiration from my writing, I would like to share poetry with a lot of people (as well as my other writing in the works) to give my writing a chance. I hope what I write makes them think and step back and go. whoa, that really spoke to me or resonated with me in someway.

SS: What are you currently working on?

EB: I am currently working on getting my book A Rising Moon on Domestic Violence into print, will be reading over the proof copy for publication. Then after that I will be working on getting in Motion with Devotion – Wonders That Be Volume Two into eBook then would like to release that into print later on. I will also be working on the many other books I have started writing, like my crime, psychological thriller. I would definitely like to release a novel in 2017.

SS: What is something we do not know about you?

EB: I would say many things, but here is a few I will share with you. I am from Australia, I would very much love to be a freelance writer in a magazine, newspaper etc. To have perhaps a weekly and or monthly column whether it be advice column or inspirational column.

I have a twitter following of over 37 thousand followers, a few of my followers are celebrities. I have made some wonderful contact with people via social media that I never thought would be possible.

I spoke on Las Vegas blog talk radio this year; it was my first EVER overseas interview on radio. It was an hour long interview that went very well. (Hopefully that will be the first of many) I would like to get more interviews. I am finding them lots of fun. Speaking of which. I found this one fun too!! Thank you so much for interviewing me!

SS: You are most welcome and thank you so much for being here Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Blade Logi
Word Artistry By Elizabeth Blade

Word Artistry By Elizabeth Blade

Moon Dance
By: Elizabeth Blade

By: Elizabeth Blade

A Rising Moon on Domestic Violence
Elizabeth Blade

Elizabeth Blade

In Motion With Devotion

Links for Elizabeth Blade are below:

In Motion With Devotion Volume One ( ebook )

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