Top 10 Self-Love Female Authors of 2018

Top 10 Self-Love Female Authors of 2016
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Where did the time go? As we come to the end of 2017, I want to use this time to reflect on the transformation that has unfolded so far on my self-love journey: Am I more content with who I am? Do I express my true self more than ever before? Has my sense of self-worth increased?

It is only in this moment as I feel into all the changes of this year that it hits me: I have done the best that I can. I’ve healed the most challenging relationship of my life and now can connect with my mom with gratitude, compassion and understanding. Even though I had turbulent waves of doubt and thoughts of giving up the online Sisterhood I’ve built, I persisted and kept on helping women to freely be themselves apologetically. The not-so-long-ago disconnection from my femininity has opened up into a vast source of creativity, inner wisdom and intuition like never before.

I’m proud of who I’ve become and the impact on the sisters who I was blessed to coach, inspire, empower and hold the space for. I feel a huge surge of energy as women reclaim their power and bodies. Even though my healing work is based online and at times can feel solitary, I know that I am not alone. In fact, I feel the presence of many others who are also with me in this movement to spread self-love. I am not only moved by my own feminine wisdom but also that of some immensely beautiful and powerful sisters.

This list of the top ten self-love authors of 2018 was inspired by my calling to celebrate and honour ten amazing women who are spreading their literary wisdom to the whole world. May it be a newly launched book or a timeless read, I hope the work of these ladies spark your own self-care fire to fill your own cup the coming year and beyond.

A phenomenal story teller, TED speaker and writer, Brené Brown has touched me again and again through her great academic work and the courage to be herself. Her talented way of explaining vulnerability, strength and empathy is simple and ratable, yet strikes a deep chord in many of us. If you watch one of Brene’s interviews or read one of her books, you’ll witness how bravely Brené lives and share her truth. By spreading her compassion and terrific research, Brené is one of the top authors you must keep an eye on if you want to dive deeper into self-acceptance.

#Truthbombs anyone? Danielle LaPorte has been delivering these dynamites of inspiration and card decks of raw insights. I really enjoy the clarity and power behind Danielle’s words. In the Desire Map, she helps us to go straight to the core of what we’re going through by asking an essential question: how do you want to feel? Danielle’s work is powerful and inspires us to slow down from the meaningless daily grind and connect back to what really matters: ourselves and our Core Desired Feelings. If you need a bit of no- nonsense self-love, then Danielle’s work has got you covered.

If you’ve been hearing left and right that The Universe Has Your Back, then you’re already in the loop of Gabrielle Bernstein’s latest bestselling book. Gabby has a great story to tell from overcoming self-doubt and addiction to now causing miracles in the health, relationships, spirituality and business of her spirit junkies. Whether you’re into her five books or just want to practice some self-love through meditation, Gabby’s your girl.

Remember the saying that changing a habit requires 21 days? If you’re feeling like you need to switch up your daily routine and crank up your self-care, then many of Gretchen Rubin’s 21-Day Projects could be for you. Like many of us who are finding our path, Gretchen started off her career in law but eventually followed her heart to become a writer. From Better Than Before to her Podcast with her sister, Gretchen’s work is a great dose of happy habit and self-love.

Witty raw humor: that’s how I would describe Karen Salmansohn and her amazing style of telling it as it is. Because we all know that some things in life can’t be sugar coated and it’s better that way. With books like Think Happy and How To Be Happy, Damnit, Karen covers topics of love, success, health and happiness in a refreshing way. If you are craving for some honest, soul-filled resources for self-love, then this motivational speaker, proud mommy, author and Oprah columnist may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Are you a go-getter with a spiritual side? If so then you have to know this divine power house, Marianne Williamson. With twelve books under her belt, she has some incredible courses like The Aphrodite Training, designed to bring power, vulnerability, masculine and feminine energy, work and romance into harmony. Marianne has been sparking light, forgiveness and self-acceptance through her spiritual work and lectures. What more can a girl and her heart and soul wish for?

This list of self-love authors wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t talk wellness and health. That is the exact queendom of Kris Carr, author, wellness advocate and cancer thriver of ten years. When it comes to self-care, we definitely shouldn’t be neglecting nutrition, natural beauty and our soul abundance. That’s why, from meditation, juice recipes, to love notes, the radiant Kris has got you covered. Who wants to cuddle up and watch her uplifting film Crazy Sexy Cancer?

Rising like a phoenix, Gala Darling is that girl you can relate to who is making a huge splash with radical self love. Having overcome an eating disorder and depression, Gala is your go-to girl for loving yourself and living your dreams. Negative thoughts or mental loops keeping you down? Gala will help you to understand how ‘thoughts become things!’ She is so unabashedly authentic and cool that, yes we all want to be her best friend.

I’m going to be daring here and bring up a topic that we wouldn’t even normally confide in our girl friends: money. But if we are going to deepen our care for ourselves and our lives, it is essential. So I introduce to you Kate Nothrup and her latest book Money: A Love Story. What I love about Kate’s work is that she has gotten herself out of 20,000$ of debt using the steps from this book. So let’s deepen our self-care by taking care of our money and being financially independent.

Let’s be honest, practicing self-love in this new age isn’t that easy with all the social media and digital distractions around us. For anyone who also had an alter identity online once upon a time, then Ctrl, Alt; Delete: How I Grew Up Online by Emma Gannon is the memoir you need to get your hands on for a good laugh and dose of feminism. From writing for STYLIST expressing why women should do more to support one another at work to her podcast with countless female interviewies, Emma is an inspirational self-care advocate and feminist in the digital space.

No matter where you are on your self-love journey, know that there are a whole plethora of people and resources who are here to support you. Do you feel inspired to pick up one of the books from the amazing female authors listed and really take your self-love to the next level?

Don’t let this fire to do good for yourself burn out. Do one act of self-care now and share with us here how you’re going to give yourself what you need. Have no clue where to begin? Then join the free 5 day YES to ME self-love challenge to guided meditations and reflections to guide you back to your beautiful self.

About the Author:

Natasha Koo is the Founder & 'I Matter' Coach of Feminine Space. She guides her clients to have the freedom to be confident and comfortable being her true self, without needing to have to prove something or be oppressed by should's, have-to's or others' judgments.' Join the free FB sisterhood where Natasha shares LIVE videos on self-care and start your free 5-day YES to ME self-love journey.

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