This Holiday Season Give The Gift Of Acceptance

This Holiday Season Give The Gift Of Acceptance
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When I heard that I had been nominated for the prestigious British LGBT Awards I felt so humbled and honored, it really means so much to be recognized for advocating for LGBTQ for over a decade. I won’t lie, I really want to win this and for the explicit reason of being able to show to all those LGBTQ, who are struggling with coming out, who are afraid of being their true selves, that life can be good. Or for those who feel so alone that they even think suicide is the better option than being themselves. I want to win to prove that there is an alternative, because I understand, I came from the lowest possible point and I found not everyone will disown you and there are plenty of people out there who will love YOU, for exactly who YOU are. You are brave enough!

Caroline Hart - British LGBT Awards

Caroline Hart - British LGBT Awards

Laurie Hart

I spent 42 years feeling afraid of being myself, I felt that I had to wear a shroud that hid the true me from the world, I felt alone, even when I was with family and friends, because I wasn’t brave enough to be me. I can remember being at school in the 70’s hearing people talking about “homos, queers and fags” in demeaning ways and it made me feel that I had to hide even further inside my closet, I felt completely isolated. After many years, much emotional turmoil and a failed marriage, I knew that I could no longer live that lie and I finally found the strength I needed to drop my shroud.

Having come out, partially, I met my wife Laurie online, she was from Massachusetts, USA and connecting with her changed my whole life for the better, in every possible way. After only weeks of phone calls and messaging I flew from London to Boston for our first date and it was then that I finally knew I really could be my true self. She showed me what love really felt like and I didn’t feel afraid anymore! Because of Laurie, I had a new confidence I thought I would never be lucky enough to have and I came out fully, with Laurie by my side, on New Year’s Eve 2005, I later went on to write about that night .

Caroline and Laurie Hart - HuffPost Gay Voices

Caroline and Laurie Hart - HuffPost Gay Voices

We married the following summer in both the USA and UK, but because we were a bi-national lesbian couple this led to extreme difficulties, our marriage wasn’t recognized by the United States Federal Government. This meant I faced being sent down to Customs for interrogation when I re-entered the USA, I would explain I was married to a US citizen, but as soon as I handed over my marriage certificate the Officers immediately rejected it, because it was to another woman . Because of this injustice, Laurie and I began putting all our efforts into fighting for marriage equality, we told our story to everyone who would listen. We had the support of politicians, celebrities, sports and TV stars but most importantly, we had the support of the LGBTQ community and it was their messages that kept us going.

Our Fight For Marriage Equality

Our Fight For Marriage Equality

Laurie Hart

My life could not have taken a more surprising turn, I had gone from being closeted in West Sussex, England, to campaigning loud and proud in the USA, I crashed right through that closet door and was now standing in full-blown rainbow colors. Our story went all the way to the judiciary committee in support of the fight against DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act) and we played a part in bringing about nationwide marriage equality.

Having found that my voice could help others, it made me want to continue being an LGBTQ activist. Receiving messages from people I’d never met, grateful for my fight for equality and how it had helped them, only strengthened my reason to continue. I could really identify with how they felt, I shared their feelings and I wanted to show that life can be different, you can be accepted, you can find love, you can live YOUR life and be YOU.

I was very lucky to have my story chosen by Rita Wilson, for her Voices Of Strength feature, ( ) and because of her I was able to become a contributor to the Huffington Post and I’ve used it as a way to advocate for LGBTQ equality. One of my recent posts was featured by PROUD Parenting, and the positivity that flowed from it was incredibly heartwarming.

Messages in reaction to “Would You Be Too Ashamed To Display Your Child's Wedding Photo?”

Messages in reaction to “Would You Be Too Ashamed To Display Your Child's Wedding Photo?”

This season give the gift of acceptance, it could be the most important gift you ever give to your LGBTQ family member or friend...and one more gift for me....I would be honored beyond belief to be able to have your nomination for the British LGBT Awards and use this as a platform to continue to make a difference.



Here’s how to vote

Click on the link In section 1 – Enter your name and email to nominate In section 9 -Outstanding Contribution to LGBT + Life enter Caroline Hart Scroll down and hit the done button.

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