The First Woman To Travel To Every Country In The World...

The First Woman To Travel To Every Country In The World...
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Cassandra De Pecol is about to become the first woman to travel to every country in the world, and she’s been promoting world peace and sustainability throughout the entire journey.

What started out as a dream turned into a mission called Expedition 196 when Cassie hit birthday number 25.

Cassie in Bhutan.

Cassie in Bhutan.

@Expedition196 (Cassie De Pecol)

For a long time she knew that she wanted to do something big with her life, but she wasn’t quite sure what that would be.

After traveling for 2 years throughout Europe, Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East with only $2000 in her bank account, she knew travel was something she was passionate about.

She also knew that world peace and spreading kindness were two of her other great passions.

So...she combined them altogether, partnered with the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), created a platform, planned her itinerary, rallied up some amazing sponsors, set flight, and she’s been documenting the entire process actively on Instagram, her blog, YouTube, and an upcoming documentary.

Cassie’s journey on a map.

Cassie’s journey on a map.

@Expedition196 (Cassie De Pecol)

As of right now, Cassie is only 3 countries shy of making it to every country in the world...and she’s done it all in 16 months, which means she’ll break a Guinness World Record for traveling to every country in record time.

Cassie with locals in Afghanistan.

Cassie with locals in Afghanistan.

@Expedition196 (Cassie De Pecol)

Along her journey, she’s spoken at Universities and held events to promote world peace.

Meeting with women in Mauritius

Meeting with women in Mauritius

@Expedition196 (Cassie De Pecol)

She’s also been planting trees as an act to promote sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint.

Cassie planting trees.

Cassie planting trees.

@Expedition196 (Cassie De Pecol)

Recently, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Cassie on The Soulfully Optimized Life.

In the episode, you’ll learn...

  • How Cassie turned her dream into an epic mission that she lives every day
  • How Cassie has traveled to (almost) every country in the world solo and her tips on solo travel for women (and men)
  • A simple, practical, non-cheesy take on discovering your passion right now
  • How Cassie was able to get sponsors to support her throughout her expedition, which has cost nearly $200,000, and her tips on connecting with sponsors
  • Cassie’s health and fitness tips for travelers
  • Cassie’s message to the Millennial generation
  • What traveling around the world has taught Cassie about humanity

Tune into the full interview below!

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