Valentines-The Day To Be Grateful You Aren't In a Bad Relationship!

Valentines-The Day To Be Grateful You Aren't In a Bad Relationship!
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Think about it, what if we were to turn Valentines day into a day of self love, what if we rejoiced that we were not stuck or unhappy in bad marriages, unhappy relationships that suffocate and suck the light from our souls?

It's not such a far stretch really, look around you how many people do you see who appear blissfully happy in their unions? And of those who had a hard time to get there?

Life is about love and happiness, but neither of these things you will ever find within a box of cheap drug store chocolates and a bear wearing a "I love you BEARY much" t-shirt. Love and happiness you will not be able to find unless you find it with in your self first. Our first goal should be self love, we can not expect or shouldn't want any one else to fix us, save us or make us happy. We as a society really need to shift focus that the end goal isn't becoming a "we" but being happy being an "I". Single people are almost shamed into feeling they are lesser beings, after talking to thousands of divorcees I can assure any doubters of the world that being single and happy is FAR better than being married and miserable. Look around you at a restaurant next time you go out how many couples do you see who truly look happy and attentive to each other? How many look bored, are engrossed in their phones or have a pained expression on their face?

I was one of those people who for a short time felt I was less being single, but through some deep soul searching, and a lot of self love work, I realized that it wasn't being single that was the problem. It was that I didn't fully understand that love comes from within, you can't love or be loved unless and until you love yourself. So if you are alone this Valentines Day, congratulations, you get to do what ever you please. Eat cake, drink wine, watch reality TV, feel proud you haven't settled and know that you have the rest of your life ahead of you to make it anything you want, with or without a partner, you are more than enough, never allow any one or a cheesy Valentine Day over commercialized holiday to make you feel otherwise.

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