Mia Borders is Unstopable

Mia Borders Music is Unstopable
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I’m playing Mia Borders, her new album Fever Dreams, thankfully available on iTunes, and properly recorded. One thing I’ll say for Ms Mia is she does a good recording. She’s a pro and by the way she does most everything herself.

Mia composes the music and writes the lyrics and she has some signature sounds, for example she bursts out with round pops of sound, audio-light orbs that bespeckle her songs, orchestral confetti. Mia’s voice is an instrument of exquisite beauty and she is in total control. She can sit on a note and play with it and keep it rolling on as long as she wants like a train rumbling through a deep mountain tunnel. Extraordinary.

Endearingly she’s a kidder and prattles one liners between songs, for example she’ll ask the crowd if they need anything, if she can get them anything and then she’ll say that she’s busy and she can’t help and to ask your bartender.

I challenge you to listen to one track. She wrote it for the wedding of her brother, it is pure heavy-duty heart and soul. It’s called My Darling Love. If I'm wrong I'll reimburse you the .99cents. You have it in writing. Now please go to http://apple.co/2lqlxVq

I'm sorry if this makes you worry about my mental health but I have replayed that song two thousand times. On repeat for the entire flight from America to Serbia, for all my walks around the city of Belgrade and a year later it accompanied me on the return flight to the States. Yeah, I like it and I'm not close to done. Behavior like this might explain why I am single.

But I digress. Hearing Mia live is as magnificent as the jubilant morning awakening-songs of free birds. You'll experience one of those moments when you feel you understand the purpose of life. Love, heart and soul. Mia Borders resides in New Orleans in case you're lucky enough to catch her. She plays somewhere every night.

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