This Company Is Sending Tiny Gloves to Trump and Donating Proceeds to Refugees

This Company Is Sending Tiny Gloves to Trump and Donating Proceeds to Refugees
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Donald Trump has caused quite a stir. In the history of the United States, Trump has managed to receive the lowest approval rates of any President the country has ever seen.

And he’s only been in office for a few weeks!

One of the main reasons behind his low approval rating has to do with his ban on seven muslim countries including Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Libya.

But what if I told you that there is a chance you could have a part in trolling Trump just a little bit every day, and as a result, support those impacted by the ban?

Well you’re in luck.

That’s right, a recent Reddit thread shared the story a few days ago and the fact is that one new company has decided to take advantage of Trump’s unpopularity and troll the living daylight out of him. The company is planning on mailing tiny blue gloves to his Trump Tower Penthouse in New York City.

Tiny Trump Gloves is selling little gloves that anyone can purchase and have sent anonymously to the Donald himself.

Each glove sent is also accompanied by a postcard. The front of the postcard states, “To the President with the Tiniest Hands” and the back of the card says “Size does matter”, perfectly equipped with a comparison picture of Obama’s inauguration versus Trump’s inauguration photos.

The gloves are selling at $14.99 USD, with free shipping.

Although $14.99 might seem like a hefty price for a pair of baby gloves, it should be noted that 100% of profits will be donated to supporting refugees from the 7 countries on Trump’s travel ban list.

The company is currently in the process of taking orders for the baby gloves and is striving to get the message across that immigration is in fact great for innovation.

But this isn’t the only company taking advantage of people’s anger towards Trump.

Lingua France, a New York Based fashion line that sells high quality cashmere sweaters to upscale retailers has been producing sweaters with the line “I Miss Barack”.

MacPherson, the founder of the clothing line states that she’s swamped with orders and struggling to keep up with the demand.

Not a bad problem to have.

And more and more companies are emerging each day, many of which are making a killing in sales.

Look’s like Donald Trump is actually creating more jobs for Americans after all. Tiny thumbs up to the President with the tiny hands!

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