Social Media: The Millennial Job Board

Social Media: The Millennial Job Board
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After college, life is all about landing the dream job. Whether you’re looking on smartphone apps or trying to figure out what you want to do, it can be a daunting task to find the job that fits you perfectly.

You’ve looked on all the traditional websites, you’ve emailed your internship coordinators but nothing seems to be sticking. There are plenty of jobs that seem out of your reach, and it becomes frustrating when you can’t find something in your field.

There may be something you have not thought of ... and that is social media.

Social media is the way of the world in 2016 and it’s how we discover new things. It’s how we get our news, it’s how we communicate, it’s how we share ourselves with the world. All of that being said, it should be no surprise that social media has changed the way we get jobs and start our career.

Aside from employers checking your social media accounts to make sure they’re in good condition, you could start your career through social media... even if you’re not looking for a career in social media.

There are many different ways to put yourself out there in the social media world when it comes to a job search:

Follow industry people:

No matter what industry you’re in, your influential industry people are on social media. Whether they are very active on Twitter or Facebook, you should be following them on all platforms. By all means, do not be a dormant follower; interact with them, get their opinion on industry news and issues, and make yourself known. They can be a great resource when it comes to a job search.

Attend Twitter parties:

Twitter parties are tracked by a hashtag, usually started by an industry leader or someone who is an expert on industry topics. The leader of the chat will present questions, using the designated hashtag and a conversation will ensue. It’s a great way to educate yourself, and interact with other industry members on social media! Who knows, you may even make a new professional contact.

Find people for informational interviews:

Informational interviews are a staple to any job. Getting to know someone who has a job you want, or you think you may be interested in is essential and it will help you understand what steps you need to take to get to your desired career. Find people in your area (through LinkedIn or other social platforms) and connect with them— interact, ask questions, become an active follower and when the time is right, ask if you could pick their brain on career topics. The worst they could do is say no (which they probably won’t).

Share your thoughts on industry news:

It’s not necessary to become a professional account and only tweet, photograph, or share industry news but your personal social media accounts should contain a nice balance of personal and professional stories. When industry news breaks, share your opinion without going overboard — present yourself as an expert, use the right hashtags, and show that you’re well educated on topics. It’ll go a long way in employers’ eyes.

Follow career accounts:

This may be the most obvious tip but a lot of firms & companies have accounts dedicated to their HR department. They post jobs on those accounts before they are posted anywhere else so if you’re following them, you get first dibs on applying.

Following these tips is not only easy but smart. Social Media is something our generation created and something we have mastered. You’re already spending all day on Instagram and Twitter, you mind as well put it to good use!

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