4 Steps to Navigate Shadow Work and the Dark Side of our Inner Moon

4 Steps to Navigate Shadow Work and the Dark Side of our Inner Moon
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Alexandra Celia

I'm noticing a lot of triggers and "push" happening in the Collective right now; things that are digging up what we haven't wanted to (or been ready to) look at;

things that press right on the buttons that can cause us to spin out, shrink, feel overwhelmed or get distracted from our Soul’s path...

This, I have been told, is appropriate when our Moon slips in between our planet and the Sun, temporarily blocking out the “light of awareness” and inviting us to clearly view the shadow.

And, while I’m not an expert in astrology or astronomy, I do have my finger on the pulse of energetics and our expansion through those moments that “squeeze” us uncomfortably — whether astronomically based or not — and I want to share a few ways I've been moving through them as they've come up for me:

1. Remember that it's a gift.

It’s tempting to want to argue this point, and start to come up with all of the various tragedies and ills that befall us and this world, but I invite you out of the limited point of view of a Human in a temporary lifetime, and invite you instead to zoom out to the Cosmic Tapestry, where our Souls / the Universe / God, or whatever power you believe in, gives us experiences that we may never understand. And that we don’t have to understand.

And a powerful way to shift into this thinking is to begin to view anything that's happening — even the super triggery shit — as a gift. To see it as the Universe (or, again, another power) giving you the exact chisels you need to carve away what it is you're shedding — or being asked to shed in service of your growth.

Let’s say that I recently started declaring and calling in something specific for myself — a specific strength, a specific way of being; perhaps “Confidence” — and so now, whether through the "shadow of Eclipse" or our own shadow work, the Universe may begin bringing me the things that are pressing on all the ways I'm NOT yet confident.

Are you asking (or being asked) to feel more supported? Are you asking (or being called) to feel more Love? You can expect the Universe to be showing up, poking and pressing into all the places where you're NOT yet that for yourself.

Chiseling. It's not comfortable, but it's incredibly necessary, and incredibly healing. Even if we don't know the reason for it. If you can be with the discomfort in service of healing, evolving, opening wider — the discomfort will shift that much faster.

2. Come back to Center.

You are NOT what's happening "out there." Whatever it is that’s happening, even if it's touching you, affecting you, encroaching on your space --- YOU are not what's being shown to you. You are being asked to Choose the most expansive path through what’s being shown to you, but it’s not YOU. And where we tend to get the most triggered is when we believe that what’s happening means something about who we are.

So, I invite you to center yourself. Come back to the core of who you are. And Choose expansively from there. (The opposite, Choosing in a contractive way, would be shutting down, choosing fear, judgment, shame or other low-vibrational pathways.)

If you need to take a few breaths — or a lot of them — before you respond or take action, please come back to what you Know, who you are, and what is Truth for you as a Sovereign being, rather than what you see reflected to you.

Journal for a bit if you need to, but allow yourself to come into the unyielding Truth about who you are; the part of you that is unchanging, your Essence, your best self, and take action (or allow non-action to be perfect) from that space.

3. Keep the doors open.

As much as you can, provided you're not actually dealing with an abusive situation, I invite you to keep your energy OPEN.

It can feel tempting to want to shut the door on things that trigger us, on things or people that don't feel good — and I invite you to see how that's putting us into a cage (energetic or otherwise) of our own making, and actually reducing our Power. If you can stay open, allowing "that thing" or "that person" to also be perfect — even if it or they are not something that you want to continue to interact with — you are bolstering your aura and paving the way for your greatest Freedom.

(Again, if you're actually in an abusive situation, this is not what I'd recommend. If this is you, please reach out for support and help in removing yourself from the abusive situation, or taking steps to ensure your safety.)

4. Release.

Take the steps you need to take in service of letting the situation go, and releasing yourself from the binds of emotional and energetic trigger.

Clear your energy. Clear your mind. Go for a long walk. Dance it out. Cut cords. Bring in White Light. Have a good cry. Send Love and Light. Surrender. Pray for them. BREATHE DEEP.

It doesn't matter what it looks like, it simply matters how it feels. Find a Release method that feels good and clearing to you — knowing that it may be different every time.

Most importantly, release yourself from any judgment that may come with experiencing this triggering situation, and facing your shadow, in the first place. We are all here doing the deep Soul-work — every one of us — and we are all here to heal and transmute that which isn’t serving us, and that which isn’t serving the Collective. The more you can stay out of the energy of judgment or shame around your own process, the more quickly you — and all of us — will heal.

For more insights into the energy of Love, Life and the Mystery — and to activate the ancient, forgotten Archetype of ease, pleasure, intuition, Love and purpose within you — download your *free* Goddess Manifesto and audio invocation here. http://bit.ly/goddessing

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