Preparing Your Child or Teen for School During August

Preparing Your Child or Teen for School During August
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Preparing to Leave Home and Begin School

Preparing to Leave Home and Begin School

Preparing Your Child for School During August

School is just around the corner so it’s helpful if your child feels prepared. Visiting the school regardless of the age helps the child or teen feel more able to make the transition from summer to fall activities. Parents can share a positive attitude about beginning a new school year by engaging their child openly about their feelings about the new grade.

Tips for Parents of Children in Elementary School

1. Look at a calendar with your child, so they can start to acclimate themselves to the prospect of their new grade.

2. If you haven’t done so, begin reading daily with your child. Have them read to you and read to them. Have them choose the books so it’s fun and time spent enjoyably together not a pressured task to perform.

3. Start incorporating math skills in everyday activities. Let them count the change at the supermarket. Have them help you measure ingredients for a meal. Let them see the practicality of learning math in everyday life so they can take pleasure in realizing they will feel more confident when they learn their arithmetic.

4. Arrange play dates with kids who they will see at school, so they feel familiar with these children and have a feeling of belonging once again.

Tips for Parents of Children in Middle School

1. Even though they probably had an orientation in the spring planned by the school, that seems far away at this point. So remember to not only to go to the school, but try to go inside and walk the hallways, even finding their homeroom and locker.

2. For many kids this is the first time they will have many teachers for different subjects, so prepare them for this eventuality as a positive change. Engage them in discussions about personalities of teachers that they may encounter, preferring some over others.

3. Let them know that most middle school kids need time to adjust for their first year in a new school. They shouldn’t worry if they get lost or find it difficult to organize different subjects. Their teachers and you will help them from the start. Remind them they are not alone with their fears as well as their excitement about this new experience.

Tips for Parents of Teens Entering or Continuing High School

1. Depending on the grade, there will be different expectations. They may have had to complete summer reading for some subjects. Rather than feel this is a chore, offer to read the book as well, so you can discuss it with pleasure together.

2. High school juniors pretty quickly know this is a vital year. Their grades will stand out to the colleges they apply to.

3. Let your teens know you are as available as they wish in visiting colleges this year and watching videos depicting various schools and meeting with their guidance counselor.

4. Some juniors are not prepared for all the college discussion that will probably take place this year. Telling them ahead to expect it, takes away the worries that otherwise could rise up. The more prepared they feel for what will be expected of them in terms of writing resumes and feeling the competition, the less alone they’ll feel when these experiences are encountered.

5. For high school seniors, the pressure will be on. Let them know once again you are in their corner. You are prepared to help with college applications, schedule the last ACT and SAT exams, and clearly be their ally as they learn about the choices they will be making with regard to universities or gap years.

These are just a few suggestions but the main idea is that your child or teen knows that you are their supporter and assistant as needed. Once they know you realize all they may face and the worries and excitement they feel, it lifts an untold burden off your teen. This builds your relationship and secures their feeling of you being their enthusiast and loved one.

Laurie Hollman, Ph.D. is a psychoanalyst and author of Unlocking Parental Intelligence: Finding Meaning in Your Child’s Behavior. Visit her website: for more insights.

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