Stop Fighting with Your Mind

Stop Fighting with Your Mind
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I understand 'fighting the mind' can be exhausting...... Stop fighting.....

First what SIMPLE things can be done to assist self? Examine the foods you are ingesting, from liquids to solids, meals to snacks, and all things in between........ This requires no fighting with one's mind, simply make conscious choices when going grocery shopping to buy foods that are better for you....have you done so?

What about physical activity? Do you engage? Do you exercise? Do you ensure that you get out each day for at minimum 5-10 minutes to get fresh air, go for a walk in nature, be outside amongst the natural elements?

These are easier things we CAN DO Right NOW....without the assistance of any other......

Yes, it requires some motivation on our part -- but we are worth it, and obviously WANT to be living the life we love and loving the life we are living -- n'est ce pas?

As for the voices we are hearing in our mind -- First, we should acKNOWledge -- we ALL hear shitty, negative, hurtfull, accosting voices in our heads -- we live in the world we do which unfortunately in this now and the last several millenia is filled with a lot of devastation and destruction soooo these vibrations CAN come through as we are ALL connected.....

Having said that -- we also have a monocum of detached observation with relation to these voices [that within us which is our infinite divinity, our collective consciousness of love's bliss, the esoteric aspect of we] and I would implore all [as i do myself continuously :p ] to focus there upon -- to put our energy into maintaining a detached observatory perspective of the thoughts we are receiving and the subsequent emotions which arise as a result thereof.

Yes, it CAN be exhausting -- I know!!

HOWEVER -- it IS NECESSARY, for our transcendent growth, n'est ce we MUST continue on.....

We have BEcome a species operating on automated pilot if you will....we have lost touch with our NEED for CONSCIOUS AWARENESS in every NOW -- there was a time in our lives when TRUEly we lived at ONE with NATURE -- which meant that we had to ALL~ways BE CONSCIOUS for every step we took could be into a 'lion's den' if we were not paying attention, if we did not pay attention to the shifting cloud formations we could very well be at risk for our very lives.

With the advent of technology and the greater ease by which we live in and interact with our world, our 'need' for conscious awareness subsided, our comfort in security and safety grew, BUT.......we went too far -- so far indeed that today BEing Conscious [which is our inherent/natural state of BEingness] seems to many of we to BE the most difficult objective to achieve.

The more we can detach from the thoughts and emotions our mind is playing for us, the easier we can CHOOSE which we actually want to personally identify with.

I KNOW it can be overwhelming, I know it can be 'weakening' shall we say, but there is nothing more worthy of our focused attention and energy than assisting our self......for in so DOing are we TRUEly, infinitely assisting ALL.

So, I began by saying "stop fighting" -- Sooo let us then, stop fighting the voices and start listening to them, the way we would if we were listening to someone else -- [not owning them, judging them, just casually observing and listening to what they have to say] Engage in CONVERSATION with them -- ask them why they are coming, what GIFT they come with, what lesson they come baring, what opportunity to look within self and see where within us there is something that is asking to be loved.....

This must be done with the eyes of unconditional love as a parent would to their child -- with compassion, understanding, patience, and love's grace. We MUST USE these thoughts to HEAL Self instead of hurt self --- And yes, we DO have to repeat, repeat, repeat.....

I can tell you for myself -- I am and have been for over 2 DECADES a dedicated light weaving PROFESSIONAL [spiritual psychotherapist, mind expert, enlightenment guidelight, whole-istic life coach....] -- I assist others to retrain their brains and realign their minds with our authenticity -- love's grace..... and STILL to this day do I have thoughts and emotions which arise which I must detach from -- still to this day to I have thoughts and emotions which arise which I fall 'victim' to -- still to this day when external circumstances arise that do not seemingly support my personal legend, [my reason for being here in the first place] can I fall into the depths of depression and have to get myself back out again -- still.....

And so.......repeat, repeat, repeat I do, reMIND, reMIND, reMIND I do, realign, retrain, every single time I presented with such a situation that is obviously begging for me to so do..... Engage in conversation, honour the feelings and thoughts that arise as opportunities to transcend -- which they are, consciously look that I may objectively see where within me I am not trusting in our authenticity and being love......


With Love,

Rev. Roni*

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