Joy's Soul Lies In The Doing

Joy's Soul Lies In The Doing
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William Shakespeare said, "Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing."

As much as we think we'll be happiest when we reach the top of the mountain, we are actually happiest on the journey.

Joy's soul lies in the doing.

Some days I feel like I'll never fit it all in. Driving the kids to and from school as we wait to move into our home, writing, organizing dance and hockey, running the house. Homework and birthday gifts and groceries and laundry and commitments. But I also remember my mom telling me when my three kids were very young that one day I would miss the fingerprints on the windows. As Gretchen Rubin said in The Happiness Project, "The days are long but the years are short."

And if we wait for things to calm down to be happy, we'll be waiting forever. The time to be grateful is now.

But as author and philosopher Eric Hoffer said, "The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings."

So let's take a moment and count our blessings today. In the middle of the madness. As we struggle to remember what we were supposed to be doing next. Because joy's soul lies in the doing.

Photo Credit: Dan Grinwis

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