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Starting a new business is always a headache and afford required is seems to be daunting. Surely, specifics vary from business to business you are establishing; manufacturers have their own challenges to face so as the retailers or consulting firms. Make sure you have your finances and your concept in line then there are 5 things you must do while starting a business. These are the basic universal rules you have to follow so that your business can flourish.

We have consulted with countless successful business owners, councillors and professors to jot down the necessary tips for going sky high from the ground. And created a step by step guide to head start your business. All you have to do is to apply these manageable steps into your own industry, and you will be able to tackle all the specifics necessary for a successful business.

1. Confirm the validity of your idea

According to the Einas Ibrahim, founder of Talem Advisory, biggest mistake new businesspersons make is that they don’t check the demand and validity of their idea from the market before starting their firm. For example, you’re going to sell a new widget that this world has never ever seen before first create the need of that widget. May be that widget never existed before only because no one needs it. If there is a demand for it then it must be worth paying.

"Don't work on the business until you have confirmed its demand," says Ibrahim. "You have to be sure there's a market. Make sure what the customer wants. Sometimes the businessperson's vision doesn't meet properly with what customers want."

To cope up this hurdle market research is the best solution. To become a billionaire make sure that the market can fulfil your needs.

Sometimes an idea is good but it is too small for a professional investor. Make your vision as big as you can think. For a professional investor less than $500 million for the whole market is nothing but the waste of time.

1. Budget and Plans

Always keep in mind that successful plans have the flexibility to expect the unexpected and always have a plan ready for it.

Leonard Green, founder and chairman of The Green Group, says that you have to plan how your business will run. It is just like making a decision before you have to make it.

Those decisions should have the broad range from your goal to its business structure (LLC, sole proprietorship, S Corporation) and compensation policy.

The first assumption you have to make before starting up, that your business will gather zero revenue for its first year, Green says. "Many times when your sales are going good, but for few months you don’t collect a penny," he adds. "You still have to pay the bills."

2. Form the Right Team

Maybe the most crucial part of a new business is to form the team that can work well together and can give good outcomes. Mark Coopersmith, a longtime tech entrepreneur and senior fellow at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business says that for a good entrepreneur it necessary to be a good connector of people so he can create a network healthy for business.

The important thing about the team is that they need to share your ideas on the business. How you run business, they must be satisfied with the ideas. Don’t try to force your ideas, if they share your mindset they can give you multiple solutions and innovative ideas.

3. Develop Support System

Surely a businessperson is a solo adventurer on a success quest. But before the setting sail on a long voyage make sure that your loved ones are watching your back. This will give you emotional health and also good for the company.

Margaux Guerard says that a village is needed to raise a good company. He also adds that you can’t do it alone no matter how hard you try. You always need the support of your family and good friends to back you up and guide you when you’re lost.

He left her job as director of marketing and started her first entrepreneurship but that’s not easy she had to work hard 24/7 but she survived just because of the emotional support from her family and friends.

As she says she is the cheerleader of her company. She is the yes women when everybody says no. no, no, she is the only one to say yes! Yes! Yes! To raise the moral of her team. But sometimes she also feels down and sad. So her family, friends, and her husband were always there for her.

4. Always Welcome Feedback

Bayard Winthrop says without getting the detailed feedback you will never know the true worth of your ideas. Always welcome the criticism with an open heart to understand the needs of the market. Only then you will be able to fulfil the true needs of your consumers.

Let’s take the example of the American Giant, before its launch in 2012, Winthrop asked every customer about the product quality in sheer detail. So after the launch, American Giant becomes a huge success.

Feedback becomes a great help to the physician Mitesh Patel. His main aim is to help healthcare professionals in their research. Their main focus was on fast.

On the site's initial launch there was a problem in the registration process. So many frustrated users left the site and deleted their accounts. The company asked the users about the problem and decreased their registration timing to 2 minutes. And now the company has 500 hospitals.

Patel says that for us, the most valuable thing is the satisfaction of our customers. And our customers was satisfied with speed all we did was to provide what they needed.

For a startup business never get satisfied too soon. Always try to do even better. Ask your customers about their need and try to fulfil them as soon as possible. Time is money and you know that.

5. Key to Success is Consistent Professionalism

Don’t waste your one and only chance to make an impression and it has to be good. Once you get into the market professionalism will lend you business for your company. There is an example of home-based businesses. Most of the mainstream professionals don’t take them seriously because of their representation of themselves. First, you have to believe in yourself in you want others to believe in you. You are no less than any other professional tycoons.

6. Become Presentable

The logo is the most impactful presentation of your company’s goals and brand. Also the company’s graphical representation, on which market is going to recognise your company. The professional logos can leave an everlasting impression on peoples mind, an anchor on the market's ground. A logo should be unique and comprehensible by the potential customers. Do not try to re-create the existing logos. You don’t have to over-thing the thing. Just take it easy sit back and relax. The first thing that comes into your mind draw it by using a logo maker. Because your logo has to be the representation of your goals.

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