Andrej Dubravsky's Bizarre Bunny Boy Portraits (PHOTOS)

The Bunny Boys Are Back In Town

Andrej Dubravsky paints inexperienced boys with an unsettling pair of bunny ears. They shift back and forth between vulnerable and wicked, showing the inward struggles of adolescence and self-representation.

Dubravsky was born in 1987 in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia; despite his youth, he paints in a classic style reminiscent of Dutch Golden Age masters like Rembrandt van Rijn, but with a haunting Wicker Man twist. The painted scenes depict wayward boys in the great outdoors, like Peter Pan's lost boys or a scene out of "Lord of the Flies," but the catch is that they all wear bunny masks, at once highlighting their sweetness and innocence, while hinting at something deeper at play.

These boy bunnies represent sexual inexperience and excitement for the painter. In is words: "Boys with bunny ears represent young greenhorns like me. The bunnies are some sort of Fauns from the pictures of old masters, but with a kinky, contemporary twist." We thought Jeff Koons said it all in his gay bunnies shoot for the New York Times Magazine, but we were wrong.

In an age where we rank our profile pictures or check out guys' torsos on Grindr, Dubravsky's paintings ask us to examine what we see when we really look at ourselves: What masks, myths, and fetishes make us tick?

For such a young artist, Dubravsky is masterful at creating contemporary edge with traditional methods. His collection creates its own mythology of the fears and dangers of adolescence. His works were a hit at the Volta Fair in early March will show this coming September at Galerie Jiri Svestka in Berlin.

Can't wait that long? Check out some of Dubravsky's works below and let us know what you think in the comments section.

Andrej Dubravsky

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