Every Batman Actor Morphed Into One Face Supposedly Looks Like Ben Affleck

More importantly, he's hot.

General consensus is that most actors who have played Batman are handsome fellows.

Now you can see the handsomeness that occurs when all those faces are combined into one.

Reddit user morphinapg originally shared the face compilation of previous Batman actors Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale 2 years ago. But the picture gained traction earlier this week when Imgur user ialwaysdownvotefeels uncovered it once more due to the belief that the face resembles the newest addition to the Batman actor roster: Ben Affleck.

So, does this mean the actor was destined for his role in upcoming "Batman v Superman"? We don't necessarily see the resemblance. We do, however, consider this morphed face to be good-looking. Yes, we would definitely find this Bruce Wayne person attractive.

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