Blackberry Mum Over Outages

Research in Motion (RIM) had nothing to say anywhere on its web site as most users across North America experienced outages.
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Research in Motion (RIM), the company which makes the Blackberry line of addictive phones, had nothing to say anywhere on its web site as many users globally experienced outages.

Given the vast impact of such an outage, users would expect to see an status update on the RIM home page. Blank. RIM's support page also had nothing to say.

Even their blog says nothing about the issue. It simply welcomes users to the " Inside BlackBerry " blog- some sort of inner sanctum that clearly is not connected to reality. Does anyone at RIM understand what a blog is?

Users did manage to post sidenotes on the blog saying how frustrated they are:

User John:

any answers on the blackout????


Agreed they should communicate some how. We have had no blackberry services for approximately 9 hrs. BRUTAL

No response from the company. Hello in there? Anybody home?

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