Can Ugly Christmas Sweaters Get Any Uglier? (Fingers Crossed)

Straight outta North Pole.

Can you remember a time when Christmas sweaters weren't intentionally ugly?

A time when the ugliness was based purely on the hideous patterns and garish colors, and not on elements like edgy humor?

Me either.

These days, it's not the holiday season until the first ugly Christmas sweater is taken out of moth balls.

We know people who spend months searching for a jumper that is cringeworthy enough to win an ugly Christmas sweater contest.

That's where HuffPost Weird News comes in. We've done our due diligence to find the most tasteless, insulting, loveably awful and, yes, ugly Christmas sweaters available this year.

You're sure to win the big prize with these beauties.

Santa's Got A Boner
Hats off to whoever designed this tasteful and elegant sweater showing Santa basically naked with nothing on below his waist but boots and a strategically placed hat. You can't unsee this. Ever.
Ugliest Christmas Sweater
As ugly Christmas sweaters go, this one takes the passive aggressive cake. See there is a mirror on it, so if you look at it, you're adding to the ugliness of it, get it!? Haha! Cause you're soooo ugly, man. Not only is the design ugly, but so are the emotions it inspires.
Snowman Balls
Based on this snowman sweater, there was some magic in that old silk hat of Frosty's -- Viagra!
Dingleberry Rudolph
Everyone knows Rudolph has a red nose, but this sweater points out some obvious personal hygiene problems.
Crack Deez Nuts
In a gentler time, Deez Nutz was a popular presidential candidate. Now, "Deeeeez Nuts" is a Christmas sweater that manages to be oddly sweet and salty at the same time.
Super Excited Snowman
Ever wish you could be in the marketing department of an ugly Christmas sweater company."Our research shows the public wants snowman boners!""Then, by gosh, we better do it. We owe it to our public."Yep, it's probably just like that.
Santa Is A Pole Dancer
Santa Pole Dancing. Hmm. Now we know where he gets the money to pay all the elves. He's gotta work off all those Christmas cookies somehow.
NBA Light-Up Sweater
Everyone is getting into the ugly Christmas sweater game -- even NBA teams. The colors may not be Christmasy, but the ability to turn on the bright "Slam Dunk" lights should provide plenty of kicks on Christmas morning.
Custom Nativity Scene
The birth of Jesus has never seemed so festive -- or customizable. This Christmas sweater takes some artistic license with the Nativity by allowing the wearer to stick on up to 17 pieces, including a keg, Santa and a unicorn.
Pooping Moose
Some people dream of a white Christmas. A much smaller demographic dreams of pooping mooses.
Dancing Bears
This ugly sweater showing the famous Grateful Dead dancing bears is a fun way to tell everyone you meet, "I haven't listened to any new music in 30 years."
Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Snowflake
"Star Wars" and Christmas kitsch have a long history, at least since an unknown Jon Bon Jovi sang "R2D2 We Wish You A Merry Christmas" back in 1980. That tradition continues in ugly Christmas sweater form with this one dedicated to the Mandalorians, a race of bounty hunters that are in the "Star Wars" universe.
Men's Hanukkah Endurance Sweater
The holiday season is a time for sharing, even if that means sharing one's bedroom prowess on an ugly sweater.
Harry Potter
Even a muggle will have a magical time in this ugly Harry Potter sweater. Just don't get so drunk that you "wiz" in it (see how we did that?).
Straight Outta North Pole Sweater
Wear this Deadpool sweater and I guarantee some comic geek is going to ask to buy it off your back. If you're smart, you'll take the money. That's what Deadpool would do.
You might think you're spreading holiday cheer with this Playstation sweater, but you're also picking sides in one of the most divisive battles of our time: Xbox or Playstation. Consider yourself warned.

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